The problem is we now live in a post truth world, where facts are no longer relevant and feelings are more important. once we’re ruled by emotion there’s no chance for reasonable discourse.
[QUOTE="Jamo, post: 2382501, member: Because the press has told them to. It's utterly depressing.[/QUOTE] It’s always been that way, just the people telling them have changed. Wether it’s Unions/Landowners/Business owners or Media outlets, the general public have always been fed info relevant to the teller. The only thing that has changed is more people are accessible by a single source of the Media and the others influence is shrinking.
Most people I know in the NHS dont share her views and with good reason. The problem is I can understand to some extent why people dont necessarily trust Labour or the Lib Dems either For me I think the Tories are by far the worst option for many reasons but the one that is by far the biggest is the fact that they think nothing of lying and deliberately stirring up division in the country so all I can do is use my vote against them - But I am more voting against the Tories than for the Lib Dems which is the party that stands most chance in my constitency of beating Jeremy lovely person. There is no doubt in my mind the Tories will get the most seats - I just pray that they dont get an overall majority because if they do it will be bad for the majority of the counrty - though when the wheels fall off a lot of Tory voters will still be placing the blame elsewhere
This present Tory Party are blinded with arrogance take the 2015 and 2017 elections they overspent in doing so they committed electoral fraud in this election they being accused of electoral bribery. Farge says he and some Brexit party candidates were offered peerages to stand down and one Ann Widdecombe a role in the next round of negotiations if she stands down, I've read this morning the Liberals are saying Farage was offered the role of UK ambassador to the US, The Brexit Party say its true the Torys say is not true which one do you believe as both parties lie through there back teeth.
It’s not all one way though. I personally have no respect for any ordinary working persons in areas like Barnsley voting either Tory/or or the right wing. I usually react to posts that tell me I’m a sheep for voting Labour, yet the fact that the Tories have relentlessly attacked me in my working life and in my hometown get’s overlooked and fobbed off. Oh, And whist we’re on about respect, when you’ve not been 2 minutes in posting atrocities and terrorists acts that are linked to Muslim fundamentalists etc, I don’t recall you posting with the same attention other atrocities that are not the cause of Muslim fundamentalists. Anyone that calls me a sheep for voting against a lying, Bullying, power-mad, hypocritical idiot like Johnson and his Ilk can go and fek right off. Respect my arse
I find the whole Brexit party / Tory squabble totally baffling. if it was about ‘getting Brexit done’ you’d imagine they could have carved up the constituencies very successfully. So it clearly just comes down to political posturing; wherever you stand on Brexit, it’s hard to not see this as the most important period in modern political history. And rather than actually doing something reasonable and positive, our political leaders are tying themselves up over total nonsense. I can understand why some people are put off voting for JCs Labour Party, but I can’t understand why anyone would see any of the alternatives as any better.
Probably ignore them like the "Russian" interference in 2016 and 2017, our now PM going on a bender with ex-KGB operatives present (Kompromat galore) or helping to award a contract to a conquest, and the biggest source of donations to the Tory party being Russians....
Never suggested it was all one way however it is heavily weighted from one direction. Yet I struggle to recall anytime I have referred to someone holding a different viewpoint politically as an Imbecile, Cretin, Moron, "lovely Person" etc or responded to comments with replies with posts dripping with patronising and condescending remarks. Regardless, of my viewpoints on Islamic (not Muslim big difference) fundamentalism I always try and debate my points in a civil manner to the best of my (limited) abilities. And you talk about respect, yet you openly show none to anyone who differs from your vote Labour mantra.
I show none to people who accuse me of being Sheep- like for voting Labour as they are at best, discounting the reasons why I vote Labour and hate the Tories. Like many, particularly from around these parts, I have personal negative experience of feeling the brunt of Tory politics that are nothing but vindictive. Don’t come your holier than thou regarding your posts, I am not the only one that has commented about your ‘Islamic posts in the past.
it's a sad state of affairs that the most cruel, dishonest, corrupt, elite Tory government in a long line of cruel, dishonest, corrupt, elite Tory governments is so far ahead of Labour at this stage that it is indeed almost a foregone conclusion that they are going to get another 5 years. For that reason, Labour needs to take a long hard look at themselves and re-invent (again). They could have got rid of Corbyn at announcement time and stood an outside chance. All my opinion only, of course.
Love people questioning the intelligence of someone with a degree from one of the best universities in the world
Yes and most of those comments have been quite ill thought out adding nothing to the debate or the usual scream of waycist. People are well aware of the Tories impact on this area yet they choose to do so. It is their right to vote for whom they see fit to vote for. Regardless of reasoning. If you dont like it then tough. But it doesnt give you or anyone else the permission to insult or belittle them. The fact that as soon as a 'tory' or 'brexit' post appears one of the first comment to this always tends to be an insult or a belitting remark. Says more about them than the audience they are trying to critique.
Shame there’s so many people who Corbyn Supported all those years ago can’t stand him and seem to think Boris is better. Folk in Featherstone who suffered like Barnsley with pit closures saying we got to move with the times ffs. Seems some people are forgetting
All parties lie through their back teeth. How many times in here have I posted about Corbyn’s links to antisemitism and terrorist groups such as the ira only to be belittled and insulted as a ‘working class tory’ or even a ‘nazi’ ! It’s interesting that the tories are liars when accused of that which we find disagreeable, but when it’s Corbyn it must be the tory press, google search engines, right wing media. Or that old chestnut it never happened. They’re all at it Colliers.
Went on many a picket line, but i cant ever remember calling anybody Comrade, and only support i saw from anyone from London was on wrong end of a Baton carried by a MET POLICEMAN.
Jeez all this arguing and none of you will change anybodies viewpoint, so all this is a pointless exercise. As you were peeps
All the people I have spoke to who can't stand Jeremy Corbyn, do so because they just don't like his personality - they like a number of his policies, and can't even think of a Tory one, but they "THINK" Corbyn is a worse alternative to the Tories. Surely now is a time not for trying to predict what will happen if Labour/Lib Dems whoever get's elected, but booting out of power the party that foisted the worst 3 Prime Ministers EVER, 2 of them unelected, on the country. We know they are lying, useless, incompetent, no redeeming features at all, but because we "THINK" the alternatives are even worse we stick with the rubbish we know. Perhaps we deserve what we get.