Strange as my dads from London and being a printer he got ****** by the same **** that did for the miners. As a former shop steward with a massive interest in politics it pains him that he’s voted labour all his life but cannot bring himself to do so for these clones as he calls them. Obviously he will never vote Tory and he’s not insane enough to vote for the brexit party so there sits a very disappointed and torn man at election time.
I know someone who has spoken to all the electorate and he says the majority couldn`t give a flying ****. You heard it here first and I am in no way trying to convince anyone to alter their vote.
3 of the four worst. For anyone arguing look up Earl Russell. Let over a million people starve in the UK starve while he was allowing food to be exported from Ireland to GB. Ended the Whigs as an electable force, and nearly did the same for the Liberals in his second term.
Correct. Not a hope with the current leadership so centrism is the only way forward (unless people want decades of Tory rule). For some it appears this is not acceptable in the labour party, that a Blair-like shift is akin to some kind of Thatcherism which is utter madness. I know we had no issues whatsoever with staffing budgets in the nhs under the last labour governments but it has been pretty horrific over the last 6 years or so.
Whilst I agree that Corbyn isn’t the best leader. the last labour leader was one of the smartest, most decent and honest people I’ve ever met; but still working class Tories decided they’d rather elect a pig f c u k er than someone who looked odd eating a bacon sarnie. you can’t lay the blame at Labours door when the rich and powerful have skewed the playing field so far I’m struggling to see what a successful leader would look like.
Well I work in the nhs and I must say that politics is not particularly a hot topic, seldom has been (on the wards). The only people I generally see passing comment are the porters, a very passionate bunch. I do know that quite a few, far more than I ever would have expected are brexiteers. I honestly would not be able to have a considered conversation with 80% of my colleagues about politics. I could have loads about holidays, nights out, BOTOX and lip-fillers though. I have in the recent past challenged our management over under-staffing (deliberate under-staffing). I had a meeting with 2 of our trust executives and brought forward a 6 months evidence based dossier: I was moved wards and the promised 'investigation' never materialised. The thing is, everybody complains and whines to each other about dangerous staffing levels but they aren't prepared to do anything about it. The shithouses never came forward and backed me up, they don't want to ruin their chances of progression. I am now seen as a 'trouble-maker' for standing up for patient/staff safety and I have to watch my back believe me.
Same, all the salaried staff moan about the unpaid overtime we’re expected to do but when I raised it with the HR Director not one of them backed me up. No one wants to stick their head above the parapet for fear of being managed out. Not sure where the answer lies really.
And that's how it is sadly. I'd start with getting rid of the hordes of band 7s, 8s and above who contribute eff all. It's nice to see them all retire at 55 then re-appear 2 weeks later working 'part-time.
I think if the Tories do get in again, as seems likely, if they do decide to privatise the NHS, then the public would very likely let them. We are just a commodity to be manipulated exactly how they wish, and no matter how bad the Government is, and this one is truly horrific, they have been convinced there is no alternative and they can do whatever they wish. The only chance we have of sanity in the election is if enough young voters turn out, and the weather is truly awful which will keep all the grannies and grandads at home.
Apparently the definition of stupidity is continually doing the same thing and expecting different results (voting Labour and Conservatives), Both options here being highly divisive, terrible political “leaders” in my opinion. Whichever party wins you can sleep well knowing they will ultimately be yet another shower of ***** by the time they’re voted out.
Workers rights? it’s not rocket science is it? Workers rights were eroded by government (Tory) and then not reinstated by the following government (new labour). there’s no wonder the ruling classes are spreading misinformation about the only person who wants to reinstate and even improve those rights. You can’t complain your rights are being eroded whilst simultaneously granting power to those who did it and will do so again.
I do lay the blame at Labours door, though I respect you opinion. They are disjointed on policy, we don't know if they want in / out of the EU. There is infighting and claims of bullying and anti-semitism. They knew, one way or another that an election was coming, and they had time to get their act together and present something united and credible. Corbyn is 70. He will stand down on 13th December so why didn't they put somebody who could fight THIS election in charge rather than having someone to stand on the opposition benches for the next 5 years spouting nothing but meaningless disagreements towards everything the new Government says? I won't be voting Tories and I won't be voting Labour. I don't know what I am going to do. It's as bad a choice as the YES/NO vote that was stupidly put in front of us 3 years ago. Good luck everyone, and stay friendly.
Labour's position on Brexit is pretty clear. They want to be in a customs union with the EU, either via a post brexit withdrawal agreement, or via remain. These options will then be put to the people in a referendum. How would they campaign? I don't know, and don't really care. Some Labour MPs will want to leave via the deal they negotiate, some would rather they remain.
I think the issue for many is that despite being a pro EU party, despite the majority of the PLP being pro EU, 80% of members being pro EU and support for a second referendum at conference, Corbyn, Milne and McCluskey have repeatedly tried to go against this sentiment. The mantra for 3 years has been no second referendum, they campaigned to leave at the last GE. So anyone with pro EU sentiment have been burnt once in 2017. When you have McCluskey repeatedly claiming out saying ;about aren't a remain party anymore and a stance against free movement, you can see why there are people who wont believe a word they say. They benefitted in 2017 by a face both ways stance, but now leavers don't trust them and remainers don't trust them. Its extremely sad that this 2 party system is propped up constantly, with more diversity and support required from other parties, we might get more accountability and input, rather than one party bullying through their most extreme ideologies before their majority dwindles.
I can fully understand a lifelong labour supporter not wanting to vote for JC. So I appreciate where you’re coming from. What I don’t comprehend are those ‘lifelong labour supporters’ or even claimed ‘socialists’ who won’t vote for Corbyn but will support Bodging Boris or Nasty Nigel. I’m afraid I don’t believe they’re even close to being labour supporters, but they voted labour for selfish reasons in the past and will vote for an actual bona fide fascist for selfish reasons too.
Hope they all remember that when we/they are all having to take out insurance policies down the line and end up with kinda of US based healthcare service where you are basically screwed unless you have insurance or never get ill...........
And again, it’s not all one way, look at least of one of the posters who has liked this post and I rest my case. Moral high grounders in glass houses methinks
Confused....many on here moan about zero hour contracts and and how Cons have destroyed unions and decimated workers rights. Those same people argue that we are leaving the EU which protects workers rights etc. You can't have it both ways. This is not, by the way, the same argument as stating the Cons would further erode workers rights after Brexit just in case someone brings that up.
Workers rights are alive and kicking Donny, I’ve attended several hearings representing both the company and the employee facing disciplinary or raising a grievance both with and without union representation so I’ve first hand experience The law was changed in recent years to make it free to take firms to a tribunal so no erosion of workers rights there owd pal it’s made it harder and harder for firms to weed out the bad apples for fear of a claim that can cost tens if thousands ti defend. Unfortunately once you’ve stuck your head up your there to be shot at, and shot at you will be. The only real way to avoid it is to put up and shut up. Rocket science it may well not be, but neither is it as black and white as you and your workers messiah portray it to be. And I know, I’ve a target in my own back for speaking out.