Who was the last PM who wasn't a duplicitous manipulator? He created the only Labour control of government in the last 40 years. 40 years!! Anyone who thinks the Blair/Brown years were as bad as Thatcher/Cameron/Johnson et al needs to give their head a wobble.
You could be describing Johnson there too. They probably aren’t too dissimilar in craving the need to be liked.
Should be done weekly and filmed for one of sky’s crap entertainment channels. I would imagine Boris was shittin Christmas Eve that he was going to get a visit off her. * chains clanking*
I said similar yesterday...... http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/boris-on-the-box-tonight.299483/page-4#post-2626768 We've got pubs that cannot open. What about all the usual polling station venues? Why not use schools that have plenty of spare space with only children of key workers there? Two million people a week isn't anywhere near enough. That number needs to be doubled and trebled pronto.
The problem appears to be getting hold of 2 million vaccines per week, never mind more. But yes, we should be doing everything we can (and I suggested military+med students/retired NHS/vets elsewhere) to get everyone done within 2-3 months. The only way to return to normal. At 2 million per week, you are still looking at upwards of six months minimum - probably nearer a year.
We could take tips from Israel..... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/world...on-vaccine-rollout-race-squeezing-extra-dose/ They are leading the way showing the world what can be done.
Err, I have to confess. In October when we went off in our Motorhome down south, we stayed a couple of nights near Avebury in Wiltshire. Lovely place, near a hill fort, just a little car park mostly used by dog walkers. Anyway there wasn't much sign of civilisation about but there was one house nearby (looked like a converted chapel). It was set back from the road about 200 yards and right by the road there was a huge apple tree absolutely laden with apples. It seemed obvious to us that they were just going to let them fall and rot (the garden was quite unkempt). So we filled up my backpack, sorry if this offends anyone but they were lovely apples....
He sucked up to Bush in the War on (of?) Terror, but my God I'd do anything to have a prime minister of his calibre now. The Tory incumbents since 2010 have ruined this country. The fact that they'd still win if an election was called tomorrow is testament to both the shitness of the current opposition and the brainwashing undergone by the general public in the last decade.
They do have a population about the size of London. And unless you are living in the occupied West Bank... the people living there are being left to their own devices.
They also have far less resources such as manpower because they are far small so all we can go on with any country is the percentaged vaccinated. www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/breaking-harry-potter-star-jessie-23263849.amp That is horrible. Another reason to ramp up jabs to try and reach herd immunity sharpish.
I always find it odd about the Blair bashing thats occurred since. At the time, our economy thrived, we were actually in the black during the period prior to 2008. The standard of living was significantly better than it is now and we had we were also a main player on the world stage because Blair was a great orator and came across as a leader. Yet he's often described as a terrible PM, when for the majority of the time in power, the country soared after the previous 20 years of Tory rule. My recollection is very different, it was a great time to be British, UK bands were taking over the world, cool Britannia was the place to be. Pubs were full, pubs were open, towns were full on a weekend, Councils cut the grass, roads didnt have holes in them. He made one giant mistake on the war on terror and then rest is forgotten. I'd take the way it was then over the way it is now, obviously without going to war for crazy americans.
I am not a great fan of Tony Blair but compared to Johnson and his clowns he is a different league. The way that he and Brown led the country at least showed leadership. I agree the Iraq war was a big mistake - and am on record as saying so at the time , but seriously anyone who thinks a Tory led government would have said no to Bush and kept out of it needs sectioning. Id far rather someone like Blair oversaw the vaccine roll out than one of the Clowns sidekicks - in fact I would even rather Jeremey f***ing Hunt do it than the current mob so its not actually a high bar
The Tory’s to a man voted for the war otherwise the labour backbenchers and the Lib Dem’s would have voted the motion down . This is the irony and hypocrisy of the Tory loving OP ! He’s on one hand condemning Blair for the war yet it was his party that got the motion passed but never had he posted any condemnation on them. Many labour and left leaning posters on here have condemned govt policy whatever colour but the Tory element rarely if ever do if it’s Tory in power. Like most Tory’s money trumps morals every time for them .
OP posts and then doesn't bother to respond once to any reply. Blair supported remaining in the EU so to people like Xerxes he's now the devil.