One reason why the Welsh not too keen on the English -- The Anglo-Fication of Wales. For many Welsh people, the decline of the use of the Welsh language is representative of an overall loss of Welsh culture at the hands of the English. Welsh not recognised by Westminster as an official language until 2011. (Similar situation at present time in Northern Ireland for the Irish people.)
Who cares ehh, kimroo kid!. This is NOT a Welsh fan/sports board, so your going to get the reactions that you deserve. But just in case we/England lose tomorrow, here's a box of tissues for you, clean up when your done!.
Hard lines. You won't get any stick off me mate. It's admirable how proud a Welshman you are. That passion you can't buy.
He's a Barnsley fan though so why the vitriol towards a fellow red just because he's a passionate Welshman?
Because I'm an England fan as well, and I'm sick of the anti-English shoite on here. Whether they claim to be reds/Tykes fans or not.
What a cracking game this Ireland v NZ is. Some great flowing, creative running rugby on show from both teams. Very evenly matched.
What an ending to a great game. Well played NZ. Considering they played a quarter of the game with 14 it was a grea performance.
I actually think the winner will come from the Fra v RSA game. Had a feeling for France from the start.