Very, very wrong. Gallagher premiership has higher match attendances than super league, and more watch the rugby union premiership on tnt and itv than super league on sky and bbc. In fact I’d suspect very few people south of Sheffield watch the super league on tv. There are some followers everywhere of course but the majority of rugby league followers all reside in one thin strip of England from west to east with the M62 running through the middle of it. Union is as big in the south west, if not bigger, than league is in and around Yorkshire and Lancashire. I accept I’m an outlier preferring union being from South Yorkshire.
It's amusing to see neighbours like Wales and Ireland losing in tournaments. However, if you are eager to take the p*ss when they lose you should be prepared to graciously accept it when England do the same. Image the fun they are having now watching England struggle against Afghanistan. Imagine the celebrations in Dublin and Cardiff if England lose to Afghanistan and then get knocked out of the world cup by Fiji. I can see that happening.