I had always wondered about that but never bothered checking it. Thanks a lot! Although surely in the modern world when far from all parents are married, "midpartner" would surely be a better term?
You used to have a male sister. Plenty of male sisters in the NHS. It was just a rank until they changed it to Charge Nurse.
Played cricket all my life and if I was addressing the bloke on the pitch and didn’t know his name I’d call him”batter”.
This will piss Del Rosso right off, but I’ve heard the term ‘third’ a lot more on commentary recently.
Bowler.... wicketkeeper..... fielder. All fine. Batter..... jesus h christ how very dare they?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I insist that Wombwell changes it’s name to Midabdomenwell (just realised, it should be Midabdopersonwell shouldn’t it?) But seriously, if you’re upset about Batsman you really ought to give your head a little shake.
Friends, BBS'S, country persons lend me your ears, I must admit that it's the constant tinkering with our everyday language that irks me, indeed, a day doesn't seem to go by without some plum somewhere taking umbrage at, what seems to me, a relatively innocuous description of what appears before our eyes, the word MAN does not belong solely to the male of the species, it does in fact describe all gender within the human race. I may have had a moment, I apologise, but, does this make me a madman? Oh bother! There it is again.
My favourite at the moment is fishermen are now fishers.I prefer Fish people,sounds like something off Dr Who.
It is a matter of choice. You won't get put in jail or fined if you tell us you're an opening batsman. It's just the laws where its been changed, because as they say its silly putting "A batsman ( or batswoman) will be given out lbw ...." instead of " a batter" will be given out lbw...."