We enter strange waters here, if told upon meeting someone that they have a preference as to which they should be referred to then I would obviously defer to that preference. My daughter works within the musical theatre industry and told me that some her acquaintances prefer the term 'Queer' which, until I was told this, I thought was deemed a derogatory term, even the most ardent proponents of social etiquette will surely admit, its a faux pas minefield.
Not too bothered about this but we all know the folks who wants to change names or stuff. It's the stupid people who glu themselves to the motorway with their **** haircuts
No I've read neither, although I read a lot, and of course the English language evolves, but, there are some words and contexts that are wrong, I hold the right to disagree every now then, it irked me and it looks like it's evoked, at least by some, debate, which I'm sure you will agree is healthy?
It is a term already in use in the game to describe the person in the middle with a piece of willow in their hand though though
It's the street changing what bothered me but that's old news now. I'm correct on what type of people they are though lol
It's fine to refer to yourself as a madman, in the same way that it's fine to refer to a batsman as a batsman. It's just the wording in the rules which has changed to reflect the fact the game is now played by both sexes. I struggle to see how that could legitimately annoy anyone.
I’d think 99% don’t give a flying **** whether they’re referred to as batsmen or batters. Batter might be seen as more pc - but it’s actually more correct in their case too. Does it matter?
I wonder if you'd be more than happy to be called a dinnerlady if you served meals at school? I bet that you and 99% of those who get offended by totally harmless stuff like this wouldn't, or wouldn't even consider doing it for a job due to risking being called one. Nobody is stopping anyone being called a batsman, it's just not relevant anymore as times have moved on and the laws now reflect that. I'm not sure there is anything to debate. Nobody is going to haul you to prison if you call someone a batsman. If that's the most stressful thing you have to worry about then fair play to you.
Well it's certainly bothering you that it's bothering me, are there anythings at all about the modern world that slightly piss you off? I started this thread really just to scratch an itch, the itch has gone. The crickets starting now so I'm off. Thank you for the input.
Ia anyone actually saying Batsman is wrong? Or just that using batter makes more sense? Fielders, bowlers and batters makes sense to me. Transfers effortlessly across to the women's game too.
I'm guessing on current form come the Ashes, many won't be using the term batsmen or batters when it comes to the England top 6. Mr Root the probable exception.
Nobody is saying batsman is wrong. It remains a correct word to describe a male cricketer who is batting. The laws are just being changed to refer to "batter" to reflect the fact that both sexes play the game. I can't see why that would even mildly irk someone, it's not "PC gone mad" or "snowflakes getting triggered" or whatever the current gammon buzzwords are, it's just common sense.