That may well be true but the only people to blame for fans not knowing what Barnsley FC actually gets for players are the owners of barnsley FC who prefer to keep the fans in the dark. The same goes for other clubs too. Every agent and club owner in the land can find out exactly how much if they really want to. Fans, unless they're in the clubs trusted inner circle, get told sod all.
I agree with a lot of your post but want to draw (a small) issue with this bit. Mads is gone. Which was expected by the majority of fans. 3 other Wembley starters is also undeniable but not necessarily the blow it might seem. Firstly, Bobby Thomas. Biggest blow of the three imo. I would love us to sign the guy. He played well and looks to have genuine potential, I'll be surprised if he doesn't end up playing the majority of his career in the Premier League. However, the other two (Isted and Tedic) are not huge losses (again, my opinion I understand others will differ). Yes, I wanted us to sign Isted and was disappointed when Duff left as it was obvious that it was the nail in the coffin of that deal. However, we have a keeper who is of similar standard in Collins who will surely step into the role seamlessly. Similarly, Cole is not vastly different from Tedic (less effective in the air, better at finishing) and was last season's top scorer. I think we'll be alright. One or two decent signings or loans and we'll be there or thereabouts again.
Value is what someone is prepared to pay. If a player has a projected value in the release clause of his contract and someone is willing to pay that, then the projected value is realised. Remember. The release clause is agreed between the club, the player and his agent. If the player does really well (Mads, Ethan Pinnock) the supporters will be disgruntled because they will feel they’ve been sold on the cheap. I remember many on here whinging about Mads during his first year. Selective memory some people.
Rev. Preedy, as a man of the cloth, would not have said “Let’s get up to our eyeballs in debt and put you all out of work”.
No matter how you paint it it's not a binary situation, is it? There's a balance to be struck between solvency and investment. And by the way, I've known priests who liked a gamble!
Solvency and insolvency is binary though Orsen. You either are or you aren't. Maybe it's just my approach to money. I've never believed in or practised spending money I haven't got.
Yes, and I paid it off as fast as I could. Nobody can avoid having a mortgage. On the other hand I've never had a car loan or any other loan and I pay my credit card off every month. I get that makes me lucky, not clever but nevertheless I prefer to be solvent.
And credit to you. By far the best way to go if you can. But my point is, you wouldn't have considered yourself insolvent simply by taking out a mortgage you could afford to service?
It's a risk. I was always able to cover the payments easily enough and was secure barring a crash in the housing market. I was lucky enough to buy my first house in 1981. Wouldn't fancy the prospects these days. Here in Ireland you basically need a 33% deposit before they'll consider giving you one.
Really hope we aren't relying on Cole this season, we need better if we want out of this division. Can only see last season as a flash in the pan. I see him and Norwood as good squad players tho. Central defence is an obvious one, lost two key players. Two top players needed to come in to remain competitive. Midfield and goalkeeping positions are covered which is a positive.
Agreed. Can't fault Cole's workrate. Limited player who was brilliant last season by his own modest standards. An excellent option to have off the bench and sometimes starting depending on the opposition, but signing someone better could well be the difference between the playoffs and the top two. Actually finding that player who fits in our transfer budget and wage structure is the challenge.