A recession is 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth. The last quarter was neutral. I'd be very surprised if our figures weren't negative in q1 2019. Though its fairly widely acknowledged our statistical methodology has too much bias to the service sector output.
My oh my, no..... It says the pound on the rise vs the Euro, Germany to start a recession of the EU bloc... Then read the bit underneath that this will be triggered.... I didn't quote todays GBP v's Euro or 30 days ago..... It is what will happen post Brexit. (More likely with a no deal)..Hence the word TRIGGER.
6 months ago I would have agreed with you - now I really am not so sure. I think May has run out of ideas and is gambling the entire country on panicking MP's into voting for her deal at the last minute. The ERG and DUP definitely wont so will enough Labour MP's vote for it - Im not so sure. Dont forget the default is we leave on the 29th March deal or not and there is no appetite in the Government for extending it -I genuinely believe May is of the mind to leave on the 29th regardless of anything else so if her deal isnt agreed we will be crashing out. The EU wont change anything significant regarding the backstop, - oh and dont forget the backstop was actually our idea agreed to twice by our sheep (sorry politicians) Sensible approach is to ask for an extension to A50 whilst we figure out what we really want to do but that obviously rules out that happening even if we ask there is no guarantee it will be given - especially if there is no real sign of anything changing at our side.
Yes that’s what May keeps saying as we move closer and closer to the Abyss . A bill is needed in parliament is to stop a no deal happening May is trying to take the country down with the Tory party . It’s getting to the point now where she’s saying if the. Tory party implodes we’re taking the country with us . I don’t agree with Chukka Amuna &co but Yvette Coopers bill needs support.
Likewise, the German figures have been massaged to keep them within the so called accepted 2 qtr definition.. Things are being hidden to make them look strong probably because of the brexit negotiations.
Oh, sorry, I didn't realise those were provable facts and not simply speculation....my bad Project Nothing To Fear in full swing
There are no negotiations. The UK doesn't know what it wants. But I understand everyone has their preset views and won't be budged. Ultimately, I'm waiting for us to join the EU on a much more aligned basis when everything falls apart and the pro EU tide washes across this little nation of ours. 5 years I reckon.
Neither are the project fear predictions.. They are just the minority point of view.. It should have been a fairly easy negotiation to stay well aligned to the EU with none of this rush. All those blaming the government (who yes have been *****) should also look at those who have from day 1 done everything in their power to not adhere to the result of the referendum.
Nobodies done anything to stop the result of the referendum there’s been no credible plan put forward to accommodate our exit . Which goes back to your first posts about a deal not getting done .
Many peoples fault, remainers who wouldn't accept the result must take some of the blame yes.. political infighting also to blame. Weak leadership and a poor negotiation strategy.. All to blame..
Please tell me you are joking... Gina Miller, George Soros...just two to mention.. wasted valuable negotiation time. This peoples vote, that the minority want.. Latest poll shows more in favour of a no deal than a 2nd referendum.. Anyway, everyone entitled to their own opinion.. Can't be arsed to comment any more on the subject (some you u will be pleased to read lol).. But I respect your view as well.. My mind now on the Burton game.
Defo last post on that from me.. Just shows your mindset that the majority who voted were wrong... Democracy for ya.. suck it up buttercup..