Well on that basis, maybe leavers move to New Zealand (far far away from the EU!) and remainers… remain... job done, hmm, maybe I should be in parliament!
They werent wasting valuable time they were stopping unlawful protocol taking place which the Brexit campaign should have covered . If Brexit had been planned and organised no one would be able to stop it . It’s the farcical lying campaign that’s coming back to roost on them .
But they aren't in recession. Just like the tories after much tinkering and fudging through budgets and policy avoided a double dip in Osbornes time.
Leave wanted it, Leave should have a plan for it, Leave should implement it. They have wanted nothing to do with remains side of things. Still waiting to see a plan from Leave
David Davies not attending meetings wasted a full year of negotiating time. Dominic Raab after his first week hardly attended Europe for meetings. Legal actions taken were to hold the government to account and prevent them bullying anything through without scrutiny... which as proven, once scrutinised shows what a shower of rubbish they've produced, or failed to produce. The negotiation strategy is that of the government. Nobody elses because they haven't allowed anyone near it.
The fault of this current mess lies with the Government and the leading voices of the vote leave campaign Aided by an opposition that also didnt know what its Brexit aims were either The fault was not with the common or garden voters regardless of whether they voted leave or remain. There was no plan, no attempt to agree our position before triggering A50 No one thought through what the final destination was and how we should get there The leave campain was built on catchy slogans - get our country back, 350Million for the NHS etc but there was never any plan or definition of the final target - Norway style Canada + style or whatever. What was most definitely never proposed by the leavers was leaving the customs union and definitely not leaving without an exit deal - and when remain warned against it it was of course project fear. The only person with any plan was May - but her only priority was ending free movement and she has tried to sweep the consequences of this under the carpet - only finally highlighted when the MP's woke up 20 months too late and with almost one voice said they didnt want that exit deal. Still there is no plan to find out what they do want still less a plan to get there I am in total despair
I passed total despair in December. I think i've arrived at bloodymindedness. Not sure what the next stage is after that, I'll let you know when it arrives!