You’ve just described what you do miss. Inadvertently. The pure magic and how important it was to all teams.
Can I put it another way then, if they scrapped the competition tomorrow then I would not give a jot .
Nothing in life stays the same , what has gone has gone, no matter how far you turn the clock back it is the future that counts & a future without the FA cup is fine by me
Understand what you’re saying. I’d miss seeing the non-league teams working their way through the rounds and getting their five minutes of fame, but the competition in terms of winning it is pretty much dead. The OP didn’t ask if you cared if it stayed though. Just what was missed. And for you you miss it being taken seriously and the magic of it. Probably what we all miss, regardless of whether we’d care if it was a competition in the future.
I'd miss it. I love non league teams having the chance to bloody the nose of the bigger teams. And I'm liking that it's on terrestrial television, seems more people talk about it than sky or BT matches I've been lucky enough to be part of the Prem journey, I'd love to be there for an FA cup final.