Something I'll never understand with kettles is why some people will boil it, use the water in it, and instantly fill it back up so that its got water in ready for the next time they may use it later that day or the day after. They wouldn't do it with anything else would they. You don't see people making themselves chips, eating them and filling the chip pan up with chips ready for the next days meal
Premier Inn, Travelodge, Holiday Inn. Not my photo by the way! But remember the pub landlord running a regular ‘Sink vs. Kettle’ Twitter update whenever on tour
I don’t because how do you know how much you will need? I might be using it for a cuppa, or to boil something on the hob or for a hot water bottle or anything. I guess people do it for tea/coffee though as they expect to be tired and wanting an easy caffeine boost so want minimum effort at that time.
I hate the feckers at work. Who empty the kettle and don't fill it up for the next person. And after, The same folk that think their cups magically wash themselves in the sink. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
I suppose it's a bit like tins of pease pudding, sardines and trifle sponges; there, but never eaten. Excepting the fact that you'd need to replace it more often. Tinned kale anyone?
I like them Goblin Steak and Kidney puddings in the tin. Fray Bentos pies out of a tin, mushy peas, tinned custard. Tinned Chilli Con Carne on toast.
don’t know anybody who does that, although if I used it up I always put enough in to cover the element in case somebody has a brain fart and switches it on without thinking and checking first.