I've got no idea what all the buttons do on my microwave, other than the button that adds 30 seconds. In the 8 years of owning it, it's the only button I have used. If something needs to go in for for 3 mins, just press it 6 times. Ping ping ping ping ping ping. Sorted.
No matter how many times people try to explain it to me, I have absolutely no idea how the following work, or how it came to be that people invented them; photography Television Telephones Vinyl records/CDs/cassettes Videos/DVDs/Blu Raysa Computers The internet I derive a great deal of pleasure from all of them, but whenever people try to explain any of them I always end at the same conclusion - that I don’t exist. Same happens when I start thinking about the infinity of space.
Why working-class people vote Tory. Why it's cold in winter when the sun is out. Why we get different types of clouds. Why some nesting birds dont realise they've got a cuckoo egg in their nest. What electricity is. What flames are.