Last season we spent 4.5 million more than we earned. I suspect similar results will come. You have no idea of budget. Season tickets (adult paid) will be around 5k. We will lose 8/9 first team players. 4 loaners and 4 as a minimum sold plus a load of fringe players. You need to engage with that reality not go all Wednesday So a lot will depend on form and match day pricing to get near 9k. Whether we invest in the team, ground or even more flatbreads the responsibility for that lies with the owners. I don’t get the owners of Tesco trying to emotionally blackmail me into shopping there.
I went yesterday to catch up with some old mates. The football was terrible as bad as I can remember it. As you say for all his faults there was a genuine quality from Patrick that this shower don’t have.
With our crowds history and expectations we should be challenging the top of league 1 that is our level now, if we are not I will jump on the Conway Poya out bandwagon with everyone else. The list of league 1 teams you have named reinforce the financial and success problems facing football teams now. I'm not expecting us to be secure in the championship until FFP is legit and enforced and our crowds increase bringing in sufficient enough money to compete.
The responsibility sits with the supporters to turn up it sits with the players to turn up it sits with the coaching staff to have a decent plan and it depends on the owners to spend the money the club brings in wisely.
Missed the point about actual losses I see. Why do you think that customers have responsibility for managing the success or failure of that business?
I do and archerfield is a really good level headed poster on here. I agree with a lot of what people say but there is always 2 sides to every argument.
Without customers you haven't got a business, so we let it fold or buy the product. If we only have £5k season ticket holders how can we compete with Derby Wednesday Sunderland. We would deserve then to be bottom half of league 1.
The responsibility sits with the supporters. Piss right off. I have absolutely no responsibility for the actions of the clowns rubbing Barnsley football club. I've turned up for about 30 years week in week out. Every penny of that plus more was used to pay the first installment of Paul Conway's debt to James Cryne. Me turning up or not, paying a mortgage payment a year to the club or not, has absolutely no bearing on our ability to compete as a football club when the owners take that money out of the club to settle their debts whether it's legal to do so or not
This. We know they weren't going to spend loads or way beyond our means, that's absolutely how it should be. But they've added nothing. Literally nothing. Our record fee paid for a player is from last century still. What's the point in them being here if they're not going to at least try and make us competitive using a fraction of their apparent billions? They're total, total frauds and the sooner they piss off the better
Let’s say I buy a product I’ve loved for years. Then the business that makes the product changes hands. They change the product to make money but in doing that, the product becomes utter crap. I stop buying the product. Simples.
Do you realise how completely ridiculous you sound? Business owners need to make their product attractive. They need to display their offerings in a reasonably pleasing environment. They need to invest money wisely to grow that business. We are over supported compared to comparable towns. As a consumer I have none of that responsibility. I’m not the owner. Im not a board member. I’m not a member of staff. Can’t recall last time someone from Asda contacted me to blame me for not shopping there. Whether a business succeeds or fails it’s not down to the consumers. If the owners can supply an attractive offering people will show up. It’s as straightforward as that and some daft notion of ‘better fan’ is both reductive and meaningless. I did my bit buying season tickets when I had zero hope of seeing a game as that was beyond the owners control. Now he bonus is back on them.
That's fine mate unfortunately it costs a lot of money to make our brand better and the money isn't coming from the owners. So we all give up great plan.
They have always said that they were making this club a self sustainable business and not throwing crazy money at it. It's not working I want them to leave, we just need to part on agreeable terms.
A business requires financing. Well yes. Every business does. When my Tesco local wanted to upgrade facilities a couple of months ago do you think they asked me to pay for it? Businesses need to be run properly. Unfortunately ours isn’t at all levels and your individual input means pretty much zero until that happens. Many issues around the ground could be addressed by little cost. A proper review of catering. Cleaning seats regularly. A paint job ( i’m sure many of us mugs might be persuaded to help with that as they have at other clubs). Training staff adequately. Communicating properly. If we are skint not say wasting the resources of a Security Guard to stop kids going into the club shop with a hotdog.
How would you say posting the biggest loss in the clubs history. Spending all the cash reserves and then sleepwalking us into relegation that will cost us 7m to 8m is making the club sustainable? looking forward to seeing the working out on that one.
look , that might have been the case when it was a couple of bob to get in and you could get a nice warm pie and a cup of something warm for a very reasonable price. Thing is in the current climate when financially, times are very hard and supporters have to think, do I really want to spend money bored sh1tless and frustrated or could I use it on something else? Imho the only thing folk are supporting at the moment are fond memories of happier times when the club felt part of the community not the soulless thing it has become, where the manager,board and owners don’t listen to the fans and keep repeating the same mistakes time after time!
You are basically saying you would put up with the owners doing absolutely anything to the club and you'll still bankroll them to do so. Congratulations to you and anyone else thinking they're taking the moral high ground.
Blah blah waffle waffle it's the fans fault. My superiors are gods blah blah buy a ticket or else blah blah blah Saved you having to wait for a reply