It doesn't. It won't block the call you're on if you are, but you'll not get any further calls or messages until you interact with the message.
My understanding of it is that your phone will still receive and transmit data etc but until you've acknowledged/cleared the emergency alert you will be unable to use the phone to call/message/rant on the BBS/play Candy Crush. I don't think it's some insidious personal intrusion by the government - at least not yet, time will tell if there's something more to it. If anyone is that bothered it can be disabled completely.
I think the idea is it tells you before the flood/fire gets to the point that you can see it by just opening your eyes inside your house.
@Farnham_Red has posted above about how you can prevent it from happening to your phone by changing your phone’s settings.
I live near a river, have an app tells me how high the river is, so that's floods covered. The house has stood here over 200 years, that's high winds covered. We've just done plague. I'll cope with locusts. If I'm only getting half an hours notice of nuclear apocalypse I'd rather not know. So I'll pass on this test thanks.
Jeez. Most of us on here detest the Tories and don't trust them an inch but let's not allow paranoia to reach Qanon proportions eh?
Thing is, I believe the announcements themselves are useful and a good initiative. But there's no legitimate reason to have done it the way they have. It should be a notification like any other.
I could see it being useful in a terrorist attack, a quick way to disperse an area. Hate the Tories but this seems to work well in other countries.
Yes, that's right, being suspicious of the motives of this Conservative government makes you akin to a hard line right winger ffs. FWIW I don't really give a monkeys either way regarding these alerts but it's remarkable the level of trust you retain in Government to be benign, it's like people have literally learned nothing from the last 3 years. You have to be genuinely in single digits IQ not to maintain a healthy suspicion of anything this lot do.
If it wakes me up from nights I'll be awfully cross. In fact I'll want to set the Tory fuckpigs on fire.
I get the distrust in them and loathe as much as the next. But if the worst thing they do is force me to press a button my phonebto dismiss a message then I think we're ok.