Found a picture of Rosefield Street after the bombed building was rebuilt. Going by the cars this picture was possibly taken late 50s. Same time as I would have stayed there. The street still remains the same today but with more modern cars.
My dad told me the Germans dropped a bomb on Hemingfield during WW2. Landed in a field and killed a cow.
Absolutely mate. We could never survive on the rations they had to live on. We have to admire the fight of those left at home while the young men were fighting.
That’s a real pity mate. My brother has all my fathers naval stuff and medals. Great memories although his photo album just seem to show him pissed in pubs in Malta and Egypt.
The ration was around 3200 calories a day which is about what we should eating today. In fact folk were fitter and healthier during the war. Things were far worse under the Nazis especially in central Europe. The ration was 700 calories a day for Slavs. For Jews it was just 60 (the equivalent of one egg). All part of the Nazi Hunger Plan that aimed for the extermination of 80 -85% of Slavs and all Jews by the mid 1960s. More people died of hunger than the death camps.
You should maybe then watch the 1970s documentary World At War. A timeless insight into the horrors of war
All things in perspective. My great grandad was wounded at the first battle of the Somme in 1916. Shrapnel an inch away from his heart. An inch the other way & non of my family would have existed. I think this was the point the OP was making. Random fortune. And yes, as a human race we need to stop wars & realise the whole planet is under threat.
im going to say the latter now from now on and hope the person who I am saying it is not hard of hearing
reckon the german was trying to hit animals on purpose to get promoted, wonder if the rank of bombedacow was higher than bombedadeer
Indeed. Should be compulsory viewing.... the never to be forgotten scene of the bulldozers at work in Belsen. A while ago there was a proposal to show excerpts from World at War to school children now but there was a lot of worry as to whether all that was too distressing. It is. That's why it should be shown.
Totally agree. I have the box set on dvd. Not even sure if my 36 year old son has ever seen it. Possibly not. Suppose just fading history to him.