Really? 3200 seems far too much - that's apparently around what the average daily intake is today and we're a nation of fatties
Saw it first when I was about 14. Should be rerun so folk can weigh that up again every 'heroic' war film they watch. Laurence Oliviers' voice over enough to chill you on it's own.
Yeah I watched it when first screened early 70s So must have been 15 or 16 myself. It certainly left a lasting memory
Yep. Round about 3000 -3200. Bear in mind there was a lot of stuff off the ration like potatoes and bread as well. Our calories come from too much processed crap. Ages ago some food scientist said that if you were born after 1970 you're part of a food experiment that no one knows the outcome of - although obesity is probably one outcome. Just checked this calorie business. Wartime 3000. Today it's 2500 for a man, 2000 for a woman. A Big Mac meal has 1080 calories. Reckon most are well overdoing it
Watched it several times (the entire series). You hope that it could never happen again. Reading about the Eastern Front, Stalin would think nothing of sending a million troops into battle regardless of the losses so long as the enemy was defeated.