Just logged on through my phone out of interest and to test this. Found Bristol Rovers tickets no problem so not sure if it’s a specific browser issue or something more technical linked to cookies and cache.
@fired have you tried a different browser - there was a time I remember having problems. I just tried on Chrome and it just worked - the match was at the top when I selected all options and I could easily select a couple of seats - didnt go any further as I dont want to buy any obviously
https://www.eticketing.co.uk/barnsleyfc/Events Tickets for the game tonight are at the very top for me.
It seems to be under the all available events and fixtures section through the e-ticketing site. Certainly not on the first page you hit, which you would think would be the case for the next available home game.
What ticketing site? I've gone on the official Barnsley football club website and I genuinely can't find anything about tickets for tonight's game. There's a tickets section but nothing in there about the game tonight.
Have you got any Adblockers or Video Blockers enabled (or Chrome extensions, if using them)? My problem with the live match coverage was to fixed by disabling a Chrome extension.
In all fairness to fired this is what I get when I first login but when you click "view all events" then tickets for todays match are at the top - its not that hard to find
I'm guessing for something to appear on the BFC website ticket section, an article has to have been created announcing them going on sale. I'm guessing that the try before you buy offer is for all games in August, so Bristol Rovers and Wycombe games aren't mentioned at all. If you scroll down and select ticket news, it seems to be a reformatted page with the same content as the main ticket page. If you then click on box office, it takes you to an external site, the e-ticketing site. As you land there, it mentions the car park for bristol rovers but nothing else. You then have to select the drop down menu saying all events and fixtures, then scroll down for home fixtures and there it is. Generally you want as few clicks as possible to get to buy something or get information about something. I'll leave it to everyones judgement whether that is too many clicks or not.
Yes. - even I managed to navigate that. It leads me to an article about Ipswich tickets - the same one @Jay has put up.
Ah I see your point you need to click on the drop down arrow and select box office - I can see thats not the most intuitive way to navigate - Ive just been doing it for so long I forgot its not so clear if you dont usually use it
forgot to say that boxoffice link takes you to https://www.eticketing.co.uk/barnsleyfc/ which then tries to sell you car parking tickets for tonight as its first choice - but though its less than perfect its really not that hard to buy the match tickets for today
Now laughing at all the posts claiming how easy it is when the reality is if you click anything that claims it's going to lead you to tickets, it doesn't.
Yes - so that’s why I couldn’t find the tickets initially, and then once I finally found them the fun and games trying to select a seat started. As I said and other have said - it’s not exactly encouraging fans to buy. I’m not exactly inexperienced at buying stuff off the internet!