Tin hat on. If I've managed to get a ticket you've had ample chance. Half of the West Stand, half of the North stand and full Ponty and East Stands will provide a great atmosphere. It's been like that since 2009/10. Don't get the bleating about it. I haven't seen the stadium full since the 2006/7 season when we played Sunderland, Derby, Sheff Wed, Leeds. Also you don't know how accurate the figures are. Oakwell was rocking when we played Everton in the cup during the 2015/16 season. The Ponty and East Stand were full as was half the West Stand. Everton brought about 4500. Yet the official attendance was just over 12,000.
I actually think it would have been worth doing, if for no other reason than to test the theories either side. If it doesn't work, then at least it puts it to bed (or at least it should). Personally, I just don't buy this idea that there's a shed load of fans that will buy tickets, if we open the North Stand. We've just about limped to a sell out. I imagine what's more likely, is a few hundred might buy tickets, with as many wanting to just swap tickets from other parts of the ground. The time, cost and logistics of that, for a few hundred more fans, would be questionable at this stage. Then again, people might argue that even having just 500 Barnsley fans in there, would be a benefit. Dunno.
I don't think a tin hat is needed for that at all. They can just announce it as a sell out. In fact, they could easily give Bolton another 500-1000 tickets, and it not impact on atmosphere too much.
It’s been 4 hrs give or take with no tickets available to buy and no communication to say that’s it full ? Pretty poor they could say we are talking with the relevant bodies to open up more areas or put it to bed. For me I’d sooner have part time day trippers in rather than over 6000 empty seats
How've we gone from staff at the club saying we're going to get bombarded with information on social media about how many tickets we've sold etc to complete radio silence over the situation?
I guess it's more the outcry at Bolton 'only giving us 2k', a BFC club official saying 'it's all in hand', Khaled revealing that we in fact orchestrated the 2k allocations to give as many reds fans the opportunity to get a ticket as possible - i.e. opening up the north for home fans - the plea from the club to make Oakwell a cauldron of noise, fans buying up tickets in the South, East and West, and then the radio silence. The club have been great with comms up until yesterday, but they should now follow through on Khaled's original statement and release tickets in the north.
I agree now, but if we'd opened the North Stand at Sunday midday when we were down to around 400 single seats dotted around the ground, I believe we'd have sold more allowing folk to sit together. We wouldn't now be thinking, oh we won't do it cos of the hassle of people wanting to change their ticket.
Definitely sold out.Bloke i n front of me when i was collecting asked for 2 tickets wasnt pleased when she told him there`s none left.
I just think it’s poor to not put something out, to say it’s sold out (or west, east and Ponty have sold out), thanking people for their support. Particularly the ones that have helped with putting posters out to spread the word when the club were probably a bit desperate during slow sales last week.
Please stop.moaning. Please stop moaning about Khaled. Please stop moaning about the club. Please. The ticket allocation - it is what it is.