Oh, definitely. I was just wondering aloud how many of the 15,000 were parents of that age group, it didn’t even have anything to do with the results. I’ve done the same types of surveys you mention but at least on the ones I did they’d build a profile of you and kick you out if your answers differed too much. I then replied to Loco because he replied to me and because he was saying that it was representative of their listeners and followers, which again, it really isn’t as anyone could have answered from anywhere in the world who’ve never even heard of Talk Radio, so I wanted to point that out. My mind was just being pedantic, it could have been a poll about literally anything and I’d have commented in the exact same way with the same musings.
I mentioned this once in a very tongue in cheek reply but the serious posts didn't say this at all. And I just replied to you saying I never said this? I don't know why you're taking my comments and throwing them in a different direction.
For basically every age group taking the vaccine is less risky than catching Covid. For kids it's very close though based on current data so I can see the logic behind saying your kid isn't having it. It makes sense and I wouldn't argue in the slightest. However, for some kids with certain conditions etc. the risk from catching Covid would be far worse than the statistical risk of the vaccine. With that considered, if this thread is born out of the news of the vaccine being approved for kids I think that's pretty pathetic. I don't see how that can be considered a bad thing. If this thread is a result of some other news that I've missed, such as an announcement that kids will be held down against their will and forcefully given the vaccine then I apologise.
I think, as I've been reminded dozens of times of the effects lockdown's have on people's mental health, it's appropriate to mention that there are children out there worried enough about Covid19 that the reassurance of being vaccinated could be beneficial to their mental health.
I was merely correcting something that was blatantly incorrect. But let's not go down this route again eh?
Just on the first bit... just because you can complete a survey where you've been asked some pretty loose profiling questions, it doesn't automatically mean your responses are actually going to be used for something that's research led. Yes, some will get through, but there is a lot of tracking and aggregation of peoples responses who are part of panels and there is a significant post survey management done that eliminates people who fall into certain categories that assist in identifying false responses. You also have whats called the "river".... which are just random passing people who are often used as respondents for companies who don't have much budget and just want to generate a headline for a bit of marketing. There are also companies who will run surveys just to capture more data about you and sell on. YouGov do this a lot. So they pay you 50p for a survey response, they aggregate your data and responses over time and sell it at about £3-£5 per record over and again.
Vaccine passports being mandated is absolutely still on the table. It's literally in print in the winter plan, and will always be yet another sword of Damocles along with lockdowns until the Coronavirus Act is repealed. Keep up. Also - it's not "if they and their families choose to" is it? It's "if they choose to, or if we can coerce them hard enough with bribes and threats" as they're twisting the Gillick Competency in exactly the same way as they constantly twist the Public Health Act of 1988.
This bickering ends now. A number of contributors to this thread will stay behind this afternoon. They know who they are. You’ve let the club down, you’ve let the BBS down but most of all, you’ve let yourselves down. Report to me at 4pm for one hour’s detention.
My emphasis below : Naivety would have to be off the scale thinking that kids within a school setting won't have influence on some of their peers, plus the incessant messaging from Govt via its 'look what will happen if you don't do as we ask' policies (and via its media advertising budget) mean that anyone, let alone young children can make a truly independent informed decision. The press conference yesterday just adding to it - the messaging is properly ramping up in advance of this particular vaccine programme. Oh, and get your booster. Despite what Professor Gilbert thinks. Double jabbed me, btw. Gillick competence Victoria Gillick challenged Department of Health guidance which enabled doctors to provide contraceptive advice and treatment to girls under 16 without their parents knowing. In 1983 the judgement from this case laid out criteria for establishing whether a child under has the capacity to provide consent to treatment; the so-called ‘Gillick test’. It was determined that children under 16 can consent if they have sufficient understanding and intelligence to fully understand what is involved in a proposed treatment, including its purpose, nature, likely effects and risks, chances of success and the availability of other options. If a child passes the Gillick test, he or she is considered ‘Gillick competent’ to consent to that medical treatment or intervention. However, as with adults, this consent is only valid if given voluntarily and not under undue influence or pressure by anyone else. Additionally, a child may have the capacity to consent to some treatments but not others. The understanding required for different interventions will vary, and capacity can also fluctuate such as in certain mental health conditions. Therefore each individual decision requires assessment of Gillick competence. If a child does not pass the Gillick test, then the consent of a person with parental responsibility (or sometimes the courts) is needed in order to proceed with treatment.
I accept your point, but if you think teenage girls aren't under pressure from their peers/randy teenage boyfriends to take birth control then I'd call you misguided.
I know they are - but that's a separate issue to them being 'persuaded' to take a vaccine that earlier this year was being stated as not for children.
I only have one child old enough to have the vaccine, and she is a very sensible and level headed girl, wise beyond her years and will make the right decision for her. I appreciate many children will have influence from their peers, but I think the influence of a child's parents will be much greater than the government or any other figure of authority in most cases. In the same way that children grow up supporting the same football team as their parents, and voting the same way. It's not true for every case, but it is the majority.