I can foresee the whole conversation tonight . Bullsh!t, drivel, fake promises, stronger together, fans views will be heard ,we are counting on you blah blah blah !
If it was me and we had stood strong and pushed out Conway and Lee i would want to back that up with a big statement. i would have appointed a new coach to lift everyone and sell a few more season tickets before the early bird finishes. The coach / manager is the most important part of the club for me, everything revolves around him / her.
But they're in the process of doing that. Given that the only appointment most fans agree on is Warnock and he's retired and said nothing to change that fact then they're going through a normal recruitment process to get the best alternative.
We learned naff all was hoping to hear something that would possibly tempt me to renew before Tuesday but Nayer mind same old same old
I respect your opinion & you say that you need something to tempt you to buy a season ticket before tuesday, well if you are a red & you want to watch your team then an early bird ticket is the most economical & pocket friendly way to do it, if you are a casual sitting on the fence fan then I am not sure what is required to tempt you but at the end of the day it is down to the individual & I would not criticise anyone who decides not to bother & by the same logic my support is unconditional ,I want to watch my team & I accept the rough with smooth theory & that is not a better fan statement its just my thoughts on the subject , when they messed be about with my west stand seat then that tested my loyalty but thankfully that resolved itself & I can continue to watch the team I love .
Yes they are and I am pleased with what I have seen. I made my link between season ticket sales, the early bird period, success next season and the appointment of a new manager. I thought new coach early bird prices adds a few thousand to the gates and in turn starts our new period buzzing.
I’ve had a season ticket for as long as I can remember but under the regime last season enough was enough, the previous board was killing the club look at the apathy they created, I haven’t seen anything to suggest much as changed tbh I said NAPM and while they can’t comment on legal matters I expected more of a statement. The outing of Conway & Lee was as far as I can see done to appease fans and tempt renewals so whilst they allegedly don’t have a controlling say they are still majority share holders so what as changed?
What's changed is they have no say in how the club is run and they aren't the majority shareholders. They are outweighed by the coalition of Parekh, the Crynes and the Quayes group. They are the ones in charge and it's pretty clear that at least Parekh and the Crynes aren't too happy with the way Cinway and Lee had run the club.