If you think I'm Politicising what this Tory government as done to the NHS and blaming politicians for the way they have handled this virus pandemic then you are dead right and what I said about this old gentleman having to raise funds its a blight on them a government-run by mice and having lions like Mr. Moore the army veteran to bail them out.
Just gone past £10 million Just Giving waiving all fees too so it all goes to NHS charities....credit where it's due.
They really couldn't take any fees after all the publicity. I hope they waive it for all the charities in the lockdown period (except expenses)
I’m not usually one to jump on the old knighting/statue whatever bandwagon as I think people get carried away but he does need some kind of formal acknowledgment I think. I’m sure he’d love a meet and greet with the Queen when safe, or a video message from her, or an honourable promotion from Captain (as he seems very proud of his military background) if that is possible. This is completely unprecedented, £12.5 million (and rising) is an insane amount for one person to raise.
over £13 million now. I do not know what a Nurse gets paid, but I think it could pay quite a few of their wages for a year.
I saw some asking for an honourary promotion to major, then have a load of artists do a cover of Space Oddity (Major Tom) to raise money for the cause
Look up agenda for change band 5, then add in all the supplements for night shift duty, unsocial hrs, WTD etc.
Newly qualified first year and working shifts on a ward will get around 30k with their weekend/night enhancements.
its not going towards wages, its going to support NHS staff and carers in other ways, eg paying for sleeping pods so they dont have to travel home.