The unsociable hours include saturday and sunday day shifts as well as nights. Nightshifts are awful (but some weirdly prefer them). All these shifts fall within our 37.5 contracted hours too: they are not extra. I wasn't refering to this however in regards to to the left of the lefty left or whatever.. I was refering to the pension, sick pay, mat pay/leave and holidays (hence the whole package). This also is specifically referring to a recent post in which the whole package incensed one member of the above stated. Edit# i've always stated i'd prefer more staff than more money too.
Most of us do these hours over 3 days which obviously gives us 4 days off. I'd much rather do this than 5 days on the trot and have only 2 days off.
Why are nightshifts awful? Because of the actual hours being worse or because of how the job is at night?
12 and a half hours is why. Very difficult but we can quite easily swap with folk who prefer them. No-one has to do more than 4 in a row and the majority will do 2-3.
Our lass says exactly the same, even when on nights. She says she could never go back to working 9-5 Monday to Friday. She doesn't particularly like nights but in general she does like her shift patterns and the time off she gets.
Plus you get a bigger % of idiots, thugs and drunks on nightshifts. Our lass always has more horror stories after nights (not always).
That's reight he was a DUKE, the dukes are coming up the hills boys, they all laugh at us they all shout at us, they all think our days are numbered, reight regimental song.
Victorious and glorious, with one bottle of beer between the four of us. Glory be to God that there isn't any more of us, cause four of us could......