Been to vote and a bit dismayed tbh. Seen loads of folk I know that don’t normally vote in fact last time a lot them they voted was in the referendum . Chatting to a couple of them and although they didn’t reveal who they were voting for it seems pretty obvious to me . They all knew I was labour and remain so maybe they didn’t want to upset me lol. Hope I’ve read them wrong and they’ve all voted Labour but I know for almost a fact they won’t have voted Tory so that leaves the dreaded B word .
Well done. You've actually come onto the board and not insulted or abused anyone. Congratulations. As to your post I have done what you suggested - I have thought long and hard about it and will therefore be voting Labour. A great opportunity to move forward and not take us back to the 17th century as Rees- Mogg would have us do.
Just read a good one from someone at the exit polls in London One person was asked how he felt the voting was going his reply It was very London the queues were very civil and orderly and nobody was talking to anyone .
Can’t stand Corbyn so I’ve put my x next to the tories and the brexit party to make doubly sure he doesn’t get in.