You're just a small town in ................ (Insert any town within 80 miles.) Worst I've heard was to Norwich fans - "You're just a small town in Ipswich!!
Another terrible song from Man U fans U N I .........T ED United are the team for me With a nick nack Paddywack give the dog a bone All you scousers **** off home
Yeah probably sung by 18 year olds who have no recollection singing it to 90% of forest fans who have no recollection, good one, well done, let's support England if we ever play Germany let's aim " Nazi" chants to people who have no memory of what people did before them
Ripper Song - hate it with a passion Scab chants - time to move on [town or city] is a sh1thole I want to go home Chant to young Fergie and his Dad
If you hate Leeds United have a goooo we’re Leeds United will never be defeated!!! Heard that before! Makes me want to kick dog
great thread but I prefer "funniest chants" eg............ at Kevin pressman when we played wednesday......"He's never seen a salad in his life" or....... when we played Fulham season before last, after a lovely lunch and beer on fulham high road and a lovely walk along the Thames thru lovely parks with multi million pound houses on either side and then for pretty much all of the first half........ .."Fulhams a shithole, I wanna go home" Absolute class. If I remember rightly I think the fulham fans voted us as the best travelling support they'd had that season. it might have even got a mention in the house of commons. COYR!
" Thats why you're going down" chant after a struggling team plays a bad ball, i dont like that one and football goes in cycles and it can soon come round to your turn. " We are winning away how **** must you be " thats a great way of supporting your own team.
Following on from your post, mate, one chant sticks in my mind. It was our first home game back in the Championship against Derby. We were winning 2-0 against one of the preseason promotion favourites, who had ex-Red Jason Shackell in their team. The Ponty End taunted him with the chant "You're just a **** Marc Roberts!"
Also going on with funny chants Tenerife friendly referee was a dead ringer for Manuel in faulty towers reds fans chant to him The referees a waiter!!!
Hi Ho Sheffield Wednesday. Have to turn off the radio whenever Jeff Beck comes on, despite him being one of the greatest ever guitarists. They even nicked that song - it’s really a Wolves anthem.
A young kid on his dads shoulders singing about a bloke chopper in the concourse this season... I'd class it more as wierd than cringeworthy