I'm on middle income with a young family to support under a government that aren't taxing people on my wage bracket. Things will no doubt change at some point.
I would assume that the proposed NI changes will affect you? But to be honest, it's difficult to see that Labour wouldn't have to do something similar, because sorting out the NHS backlog and shoring up social care has to come from taxation in some form. The conference season is almost upon us, and it will be interesting - especially where Labour is concerned. I've supported Keir's decision not to be too specific up to now because that creates a hostage to fortune, and leaves the policies out there for the Tories to shoot at. But this reshuffle may presage an early election - before all Boris's **** begins to hit the fan in 2023. So I think Labour will need to be ready with their proposals going forward. If they continue to fight each other they may as well not bother.
It could well be, but I'm not aware it is. If Nadine Dorries has been mentioned in a film you see, let me know and I'll give it a wide berth ;-)
Just made my day.......played your video and my 19 year old daughter (went to Parklife to see Skepta and Disclosure etc) started singing along, knew the song. Amazed
He had to take action because, for the first time in a long time, some polls were putting the Tories behind. Mostly because of the NI increase. Unfortunately for me, Labour under Sir Keir aren’t anything to look forward to either. Still thoroughly neoliberal capitalist, still under the influence of political lobbying, still inept career politicians for the most part. Tory governments push us to the right. Labour governments under the ‘centrism’ banner might not push us further right, but they prevent any progress to the left. The result of this is that every couple of election cycles move the country’s political norm to the right, and even mildly centre-left initiatives that have been extremely successful elsewhere are perceived as hard-left ‘communism’. We need to stop focusing on endless economic growth as a yardstick for how society fares. There’s more to life than economic growth and consumerism. It’s killing our planet and our children’s futures. Capitalism, which is what both major parties currently offer, is past its sell by date. ps. The Tories are evil barstewards.
Can’t understand why nobody’s questioning what Dominic Raab has on Johnson when he insists on being deputy prime minister before he will agree to take a demotion. He was sacked because he was hopeless at the job and crap at finding alibis(the see was shut). Still he gets to chose another title.