That's right. The likes of you and I, who just want to spend their wages, in a shop on some clothing, groceries etc, are already in the habit of this. Now, take your 'smack rat' or hopeless addict, however you want to label them. Robs an innocent family of their valuables and sells them CASH, which he then takes to his dealer to get his fix, paid for in CASH. I can actually throw further examples of why cash should be phased out but I don't want to be deemed mad, boring or a future Prime Minister, but you heard it here first.
Universal Basic Income will be on the agenda in 10-20 years when automation kicks in. I suspect it will take the form of free accommodation/food/heating etc rather than money so that might do the job for you.
Saw this the other day pretty interstellar take on it.
Do you know why the war on drugs is lost? Because people constantly excuse drug taking. Constantly glorify them and try to normalise them. 'i know plenty of people who take drugs and they're ok' 'other countries decriminalised them and it's ok' etc. It gives out the wrong message that it is ok to take drugs, that you might be one of the lucky ones and that a lot of people support it. I'll tell you what would really help to fix the country of drugs. If EVERYONE got on the same page and condemned them. If TV and movies didn't show high paid people taking them and having a good time. If people stopped saying 'i did them and I'm ok' because all you are doing is encouraging the next generation of ****** up druggies. The war on drugs might be 'lost' but that depends what you coats as winning or losing. If the only way to win is to 100% remove drugs then yes it's lost. If it is to reduce drug taking and reduce the amount of theft and crime associated with it then it most certainly isn't lost because people ARE put off taking drugs because of the law. Also I see you and others accept that addiction is a mental illness. Why the **** is anybody wanting to legalise something which directly causes mental illness? Stop saying 'i did them and I'm ok' or 'my mate does them and he's ok' and start pointing out the piece of **** who breaks into a low wage families house and nicks their Christmas presents to buy drugs because they are a ****** up druggie who cares only about getting their next fix. And there would be a hell of a lot more of them if we legalised it. Just because they would be buying from m&s and not dodgy Eric doesn't mean they would magically come by money to fuel their disgusting habit.
Do you feel so strongly about alcohol? Red meat? Smoking? Chocolate? If not why not? All addictive anti social and in terms of consumption of meat literally destroying the planet. Or is just the things you don’t like that you rail against? Alcohol is more likely to cause mental health issues. People are just hypocrites on the issue. Unless you have no vices and live as a monk you are just condemning someone else’s vices because they differ from your own. In terms of the ‘War on Drugs’ see advice from numerous US agencies to the US govt about it’s cost both human and financial and its ability to change the agenda.
Comparing eating meat with taking heroin is a stretch but I don't think it's as much of a stretch as calling chocolate anti social
I don't get the "legalise and tax" things like heroin stance(although, can see why it's talked about with weed etc...). Let's say they did legalise and tax the stuff. Then a random, hard working individual with a family walks into boots and sees Boot's own brand heroin sitting on the shelf next to the laxatives he went in for, and thinks: "Go on, ill have a bag of that". Then he becomes addicted, which means he is spending a bigger and bigger portion of his wage on the stuff until his wage no longer covers it. But he still needs his fix, so he starts taking loans and overdrafts out, plunging his family into huge debt. The addiction then starts to affect his ability to do his job, and that goes by the wayside too. Where does he now get the money to pay for his fix(as I'm sure the various loans and things he has taken out play second fiddle, which may also put his family on the street)? By stealing, thats how. Also, I'm sure all the dealers would do is sell it cheaper(as there is no VAT or taxes to pay etc), meaning that the legalising of said drug will simply drive more business to them(do we reckon someone dependent on heroin would choose to pay 20% more for their fix?). Got to say though, the idea of phasing out physical currency would go a long way to stopping the associated crime that goes along with a habit...
Welcome back ST - where you been - Moorlands, Lindholme? Addiction may be a mental state but it is not an illness. Labelling it an 'illness' implies it is something beyond someone's control and somehow excusable.
and why is any discussion on taking heroin etc always railroaded by a discussion on addiction to alcohol, smoking etc. It never happens the other way round - in a discussion on alcohol addiction no one mentions that drug taking is addictive as well.
You can't become an "addict" until you've tried something. If you know you have an " addictive personality" i.e you are weak, the best thing to do is not to stick your arm in the first place.
Look into the amount of methane created and the energy expanded and the damage caused to the planet and get back to me. Also increased risk of obesity and some cancers. Kills far more globally than drugs. For chocolate look at the impact on those who farm who grow cash crops instead of food crops and the poverty and starvation this causes. Again see impact on health. Obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease. Kills far more than heroin.
I'm sure everyone on crack is quaking in their boots at your wrath towards them. Send along good old Super Tyke in a leotard rounding them all up. War on Drugs over. Simples.