Great post Donny, sorry to hear about your illness pal, brings things into perspective. Hope things are going ok for you now.
I'd happily do a swap for our idle "own" for an immigrant prepared to so a **** job. I've a feeling you wouldn't.
Yes we have much less money now and our resources are stretched to the limit and that's the political aspect. People who make decisions over peoples care within the NHS however are not politicians. They are socialists, liberals, and most probably the odd tory etc. These decisions are from within and are based on need and risk nothing else.
Anyone who randomly wants to kill someone is mentally ill. It's even plausible to argue that a terrorist who wants to kill total strangers because of an ideology is also mentally ill.
I have no issue with immigrants flower, I work with many hard working folk from all over europe. But its a bit naive to think that its our benefits system, healthcare and education system that attracts many. I work with a young woman from Lithuania who actually tells me that Barnsley has too many immigrants now, that the roma here are dangerous, and that “you’re mad” to let everyone keep on coming. She tells me that they come because for them in their own countries there is nothing, here there is everything. And please don't insult our own, they're not all feckless career benefits claimants, and that category of person doesn't only contain those who were born here.
I never said they were. And yes immigrants are sometimes guilty of wanting to pull the ladder up from under them. It's just very easy to blame immigration for all ils. Just as it is easy to think foreign aid is altruistic rather than a means of securing lucrative contracts.
Sadly I have to put my hand up and admit the Labour Party were complicit in introducing PFI's to the NHS. One of the biggest mistakes in history, since compounded by adding Highway Maintenance and the care of Schools to the list by successive administrations.
And how many contracts were we awarded by the Pakistanis who were able to draw out a billion pounds of british taxpayers money from atm’s having been given cash cards ?? I think its been called exporting the dole. Its well known that corruption is rife in many of the governments who receive it but we keep doling it out irrespective. Its the result of allocating a percentage of gdp rather than reserving aid for when its really needed. And its very easy to dismiss those of us who recognise that uncontrolled immigration is a problem. We only have so much space, infrastructure, resources. We’ve reached a point where those who contribute suffer because of the numbers of those who dont.
It always makes me laugh (or despair) when someone quotes one person from an entire country as if their views count for more than just one person's personal opinion, the same as anyone. I also suspect if she'd said the exact opposite and that we don't have enough immigrants and should be inviting more and to let everyone keep coming here you'd use that to further your own ends too.
You were saying something about foreign aid securing lucrative contracts? I was just giving an example of how your taxable earnings are being spent and asked what lucrative contract we’d received from the poor of Pakistan to whom we’ve given cash cards enabling them to draw out a billion pounds of our money.
There are a million arguments for foreign aid. I'll ignore those relating to morality and empathy as they will clearly have little impact here, and focus on the fact that it reduces global instability, reduces the likelihood of having to become engaged in overseas conflicts, tempers radicalisation and terrorism, and is used to offset our obligations to offer asylum.
The Labour Party led by 'hard left' Clement Attlee were part of the coalition that won the war. Terrible unpatriotic lot these pinkos.
Chuff me sideways are you actually serious when you say this? racism is alive and well in your tiny mind.
Clement Attlee was one of the finest Labour politicians to ever serve the party, would there a comparable politician in today's ranks I'd go back to voting Labour