Yup, it sure is doing a sterling job. We haven't had to get involved in an overseas conflict since err... We've not been constantly under the treat of a terrorist attack since erm.... Oh, and we haven't seen an asylum seeker since erm ... Yes lets keep pouring away billions to foreign aid, it's obviously working out for us really well isn't it.
No you wouldn't because he would clearly have been in favour of everything you are against. No issue with that, but let's not pretend Labour are going to win your vote by doing anything other than abandoning core Labour principles
It’s the default term used when you see a racist implying if someone who has a mental illness was of a different race or religion they wouldn’t be classed as having mental illness. It’s the default term when you read small minded stupidity on an Internet forum. It’s the default term when you can clearly see the implication inferred.
Lets give it a go, we're at the maximum level of terrorist threat, our country has more criminals that soldiers, we're awash with knife crime and the police are massively underfunded. I know, lets give some of the money going into the bank accounts of the corrupt, or the pockets of Pakistani benefit recipients and use it to get our own house in order first ? How about that for an idea ?
What you on about ?? You do know that he created the NHS,social security, nationalisation of the coal and rail industries etc etc. Top Man
So you do agree with Corbyn's policies then. You're just willing to fund some of it by cutting something which helps our national security and to which we have a moral obligation rather than through modest tax increases for the most wealthy?
Absolutely. And if he was alive today in a modern globalised world he would be in favour of pretty much everything you've criticised on this thread and others.
You must be very naive if you think that the proliferation of attacks throughout europe attributed to those with a mental illness, paired with the number of gas explosions are anything other than I know pal, it was my attempt at irony.
There's far too much fact in your post for the right wing trolls on the board to understand . Keep it simple like their favorite news source the Sun.
Fantasy land that, should be like that but too bothered about others before our own country and its people.
How so ? What is racist about criticising a billion pounds of your,mine everyone's hard earned being doled out to the benefits recipients of Pakistan when we haven't enough coppers to keep us safe ? When home grown charities go under due to lack of funding ? when essential services in our country are being cut ? I really dont understand whats racist about it RH please tell me WHAT is racist about what I'm saying ???
You must be very naive to not see what the OP was implying. Il leave you to it though. Enjoy your day.