No mate you're correct, what a country we could have if we looked after it. Help others but not to the extent we do and certainly not to the detriment of our own.
I know what was being implied thanks, my own opinion is that the woman had been steered on a path by others, she didn't just rock up to Barnsley from Middlesex and start stabbing people, I think she got off at the wrong stop and should have got off at a city station and if it's true that she has a mental illness and it isn't a smokescreen designed to maintain community relations and guard against heightening tensions ( you know,like they did in Rotherham) then she may have been taken advantage of by those who didn't have the bottle to try it themselves.
If you cant see it then you cant see it. Out of all benefit recipients you are only complaining about Pakistani ones. Now maybe with your statistics (which you haven't provided) you can prove they make up the overwhelming majority of benefit recipients without contributing anything in healthcare, education etc otherwise you are just singling them out due to their race, hence my thinking you are being racist.
RH I've given you a statistic which was a billion pounds of foreign aid given out to Pakistanis via cash cards at ATM's This was an example of the folly of foreign aid and not a racist remark against the good people of Pakistan. I'll give you another one, 4 billion given to India and Pakistan for infrastructure improvements to roads and railways when our cash strapped local authorities can't maintain our own roads for lack of funds. Now, if that money was spent here imagine the jobs created, the extra tax collected by the government as a result, the insurance claims reduced, the journey times improved. What on earth is racist about it ? It seems to me that anyone who suggests that we look after our own first and the rest of the world second is shouted down as soon as they open their mouths. I just dont understand it. Of course if emergency aid were needed I'd expect us to be there, but lets not pay to fix the potholes of Pakistan and India when our local authorities haven't the funds to fix our own. If you follow your logic we're putting them before us and are therefore being racist against ourselves. Or shall we just label it 'positive discrimination'?
I don't understand the cash card thing? If you could post the source of the statistics it would help. Here you go. It wasn't a go at Pakistan, just an example for you, it's foreign aid so I can hardly use benefits recipients in Ardsley as an example. Still waiting for you to tell me whats racist about it though ??
Well aside from which rag is reporting it ( not so sure of its accuracy) we're talking about 10 pound a month per family. Personally I dont begrudge that. How much money do we make from trading with these countries?
Weren’t the Tories in power from 2011when this was sanctioned. Apart from the news source being unworthy of fish and chip paper I would say it’s not what it seems imo.
I think they were Marlon yes. It's not just our money though, there;s been similar uproar in Australia I believe.
So if it was both how would it be funded ? yet higher taxes ? even more duty on petrol perhaps ? Maybe I'll just give the poorer in society all my wages and go and live under a rock. Socialists, ever generous with other folks hard earned.
Having a bit less so others in real need have a bit more doesn't strike me as that radical an idea. Who's saying everyone has to be poor? Do you think poorer people dont work hard too?. Anyway the point is that there us money that can be used but various governments would prefer to use it in other wasteful ways.
Don't you think we should look after the poorer in our society and let Pakistan look after it's own ?
There’s an extraordinary amount of contradiction in your posts but my overwhelming impression from reading them is that you refuse to recognise the value of a bank holiday weekend for getting out and enjoying yourself with friends or family.