Actually I’ve spent the afternoon with friends at Donnington Park watching british superbikes. Just about to set off home so I’ll bid you all adieu for the evening.
Christ. It must have been dull for you to devote so much of the day to running the arguments you’ve put forward.
No . We are a wealthier nation, we benefit financially from less well off nations. Why is it considered a bad thing to help.others out?
Having read this thread on and off all day, what I've taken from this is, All non white people with serious underlying mental health issues are terrorists. Government underfunding and cuts are a result of oversees aid. Clement Atlee needs to be resurrected cos everyone seems to have liked him. All folk with any socialist leanings ( i count myself included) would have lost the war and made our country a communist country. All racists are actually realists. WTF have some folk been smoking! Is there any wonder the country is in the shitter. Over simplification of complex issues with no evidence based proof to back up arguments. The Daily Heil isn't an educational resource and never will be. Alt right documentary makers also bend the truth to fit their narrative. There are many injustices in the world, research a subject thoroughly before making sweeping statements. The main issues we face all relate to wars, the money made from war and the underlying reasons for war.
Dont forget the billion thats part of the eu budget that goes to foreign aid aswell....where does it all go.
Cheers TTS. I was diagnosed in 2014. When it first happened, I was absolutely devastated and likened it to being placed on a time bomb, not knowing any possible final outcome. When my treatment was about to start, my Cancer Surgeon pulled no punches in telling me what I could expect, particularly around the possiblity of side effects. Radiotherapy works, but unlike Proton beam treatment , it unfortunately destroys quite a lot of healthy cells around the original site of the Cancer. I had 28 days of concentrated radio therapy and three sessions of Chemo. I hope everyone can appreciate the damage that exposure to radio waves would do, if you were to put your head in a Microwave oven. That's exactly what radiotherapy does. In my case, it has seriously affected my speech. I now slur my words and sometimes, my own close family can't understand what I am trying to say. I would have truthfully loved to have attended the BBS get together at Sheds pub, but I unfortunately chickened out at the last minute. On the 17th June 2019, I will have been Cancer free for 5 years. On that day, I will finally be discharged from Pinderfields. Not once have I ever felt sorry for myself as I'm still here. I used to get choked up returning up the hospital corridors back to the car, when I saw young kids on their way for their treatment and you could tell just by looking at their little faces, that they probably didn't have too long to live. That really was a sobering experience. I've been complimented on my positivity both by the Psychiatrists, my Macmillan nurses and Dieticians alike. They couldnt take it in at first when this 11 stone bloke stood in front of them, showed them a photograph of a 17 stone red faced "alecart" with a good head of hair. To help other Head and Neck cancer patients Iv'e now been asked to write a piece around my path to recovery. Parts of my hair thinned out, so I'm thinking of calling the piece " Who wants fat hair anyway.?" As well as my family and friends who have never ever wavered in their constant love and support, my genuine love for Barnsley FC and reading comments on the BBS have also helped to sustain me. I can't hold a lengthy conversation with anyone now, so if a thread interests me, I value any chance to join in, because it gives me an opportunity to at least express an opinion. I know I can "babble" on at some length and I can only apologise for that, but I hope it's truly appreciated , that as someone who previously loved to socialise, now that I am unable to, I really do appreciate my views being read and tolerated on the site and for that , anyone who has interacted with me, has my most grateful thanks. Thanks Donny Red.
Erm, probably on foreign aid. By the way, foreign aid isn't just about helping other countries out, it's about greasing the wheels when it comes to trade, counter terrorism and military access. It probably helps us more than it helps them in all honesty.
Well done mate. My wife beat cancer last year, she had 6 cycles of chemo and 5 weeks of radio. This amazing woman didn't even go on the sick from work. 3 days after chemo she would be driving up to Newcastle or wherever work took her. She was terribly ill in a and e one friday afternoon and was going to be admitted but she refused. "Just fill me up with meds" she said, "it's my daughters hen do tomorrow and i'm not missing it for anything": off she went! One indomitable lady that's for sure.
Sorry to hear you’ve had to go through all that Donny and for its lasting effects. All the best to you, your family and anyone else affected by this fkin awful disease. If theres another get together and you fancy it I’d be my pleasure to get you a pint in fella.
She has my total respect HR. She sounds to be a very strong lady. I couldn't get my head off the pillow most days, but I won't elaborate on the other side effects I experienced except to say, that Cancer is truly evil. Please pass on my regards to her and please make sure you look after her mate.
I have my difficulties but don't wallow in self pity TTS. Life is precious and you really have to live it to the full. I count myself as one of the lucky ones. Thank you for your kind words and the offer of a jar. I might well take you up on that mate, if there is another BBS bash in the future.
Article in Friday's Chronicle on the woman who ran around Barnsley Market with a knife shouting " kill, kill, kill" saying she appeared via a video link at Sheffield Crown Court and was charged with attempted murder, possession of an offensive weapon and affray. Ayaan Ali aged 29 from Isleworth West London, bought a pack of knives from a discount store minutes after arriving at Barnsley Interchange. The court found her guilty and Judge Peter Nelson QC ordered an indefinite Hospital order due to her mental state, after the Court heard that she is a paranoid schizophrenic. She has previously admitted her guilt by virtue of insanity. In the hours after the incident, rumours circulated on social media about the nature of the attack, the number of people involved and their possible nationality. Deputy Chief Constable Mark Roberts said such reports were not uncommon and can cause distress and fear. He went on to say that such comments are vile and ironically, the bigotry expressed, re-emphasises the need to tackle hate, both in the local community and beyond. He said that unfortunately we can see this type of offensive content on a regular basis. This can undoubtedly cause distress and fear to people within the community. He then added " we have seen these unacceptable comments and will seek to prosecute those responsible where appropriate." It doesn't say why the woman chose to stop off in Barnsley, but thanks to the actions of some locals, who challenged her, the injuries that Ali had managed to cause, were kept to a minimum, saying that the verdict and sentence prevents her from being any future risk to the public. One stallholder Abdul Razzak of "Fashion and Style" followed Ali round saying because he cares for people, he wanted to make sure everyone was OK. What a brave man.