I'm sure I read on here a bit back that some planning geezers were stood outside it pointing and "hmm-ing". I don't think it's part of the glassworks development but I'd be shocked if they didn't do something with it in the next few years.
That's gone, now part of the Glass works, lower level is a coffee shop and part of the indoor market, upper level is the Market Kitchen.
Split into 3 units: Sports Direct Superdrug New Look Sports Direct is moving into The Glassworks so upstairs will probably stay empty when they’ve gone. RedVesp is talking about the old Littlewoods btw!
I didn't realise it stretched as far as that, i thought it went to the opposite corner where Littlewoods used to be.
Be interested to hear when they're planning to announce the rest of the "25 shops" supposed to be occupying the premises, given it opens in September and they appear to have only got 7 or 8 in
There is only Barnsley that could decide to knock half the town down and rebuild at huge cost, just before a massive pandemic that is killing more and more retail businesses every day it goes on!
I worked for the main contractor back in 1971/72 and we took a load of flak from the public on the aesthetics, especially the pre-cast concrete panels with the 'bush hammered' finish. We only erected what the architect (Abbey, Hanson, Rowe) specified. I'm so pleased that the same contractor has had the pleasure of knocking it down and building something more aesthetically pleasing.
12 retail units are currently under offer or with solicitors - leaving 6 full-size (similar sq ft to the Coffee Boy unit) and 2 kiosk size units available. 3 restaurant units are currently under offer or with solicitors - leaving 2 units available. The leisure unit above Deichmann and JD is also under offer. That space was planned for a gym, I’m not sure whether that’s still the case, if it is, I wouldn’t be shocked to hear Pure Gym announced soon. They haven’t really added more retail space with this scheme, but are now able to provide the types of unit retail tenants want. Plus they’ve added much more leisure space. I believe the council are getting an update on the current lettings this week. You have to realise that Covid has killed the leisure and retail sector, so lots of occupiers are being cautious or delaying any expansion plans. You can look at the leasing plan on the website at: https://theglassworksbarnsley.com/leasing-opportunities/
Thanks for that. Has there been any impact on Alhambra Centre units? So moving from there into this development?
The Alhambra is a privately operated shopping centre. They’ll struggle to attract tenants to replace the anchors they’re losing (Next and TK Max), and cancelled their plans to add a food hall and leisure due to The Glassworks. I assume it’ll sit with empty units. They might offer Primark a financial incentive to take on the TK Maxx space and double the size of their unit, but that’s just a guess. Unless the retail sector changes anytime soon, my assumption is that it will stay as it is - full of cheap, discount stores and empty units.
Shame, but completely to be expected. Similar happened in Bristol on the outskirts of the Cabot Circus development. Shops moved into the new shiny development, the periphery was then littered with empty units that just couldn't be filled.
Eh and of course they knew there would be a global pandemic at the Town Hall then ? Shambles if they did and didn’t warn us
Same happened in Wakey when they opened the new centre there; virtually nowt left open in the Ridings after.