This was my absolute favourite as a kid. If I could get back all the hours I spent on this, I'd probably be a teenager again.
Funny that. I have only just seen this thread and posted a comment replying to JamDrop. I own a Fluke from my days as a theatre technician and found it indestructible in its yellow protective jacket having seen it fall several meters on a couple of occasions from the lighting rig onto a stage floor. Great kit . Before that I went through two or three cheap ones before biting the bullet and shelling out for a pro-one. I bought one of their laser thermometers a few years back to test the wood fired pizza oven stone temperatures as, unlike the pro-Pizzeria Italian cooks, I cannot tell if the damn thing is too hot /not hot enough without one. Brilliant kit and lasts a lifetime. The ...err...'best' advice I got though was from a 'old school' electrical engineer for testing if a busbar was live. To quote: "Throw a spanner in. If it throws it back its live!"
Our kid had a horseracing game which I think was called Totopoly which we used to play. One of the horses was called Maraduke Jinks. Go for it, all expenses paid and nothing to lose. And I love crying at the stories so I could proper roar when you see it all fixed!!
I had Totopoly. My Dad bought me it from a second hand shop. I also had And They're Off and Escalado. Although the windy thing didn't work and it never got used. World Cup Cricket was my favourite though.
I have one, although I did manage 43 years without the need for one. I fixed our tumble drying by testing the thermostats with one and changing them for £15 rather than buying a new dryer
That reminds me, we also used ours on our dishwasher. It wasn’t as positive a story as it confirmed that the part we needed was more expensive than the dishwasher was worth but at least it avoided a call out fee to be told that.