The comment was as soon as they can get rid. They will. Same with most businesses. If they can trim manpower and maintain standards and results they will. As for Northern... they are hiring guards.
Yes you keep harping on about this but are they? Or is it just some temporary ploy and any recruitments will be Temp and released once they think they’ve broken the resolve. People do not strike and lose money for nothing their issues and worries have not suddenly disappeared
Yes. Set a load on quite recently. The driver only trains are something one of the southern franchaises are pushing for. The arguement seems to be well the undergrounds driver only why not mainline... As the majority of conductors subscribe to the RMT then once the ballot has been passed to strike then its a case of all for one one for all. Dont get me wrong i fully expect in a few years things to change as the strive goes on for more automation and technology advances however short term the guards role oop north is safe.
I fully expect train drivers to be completely automated within 10-15 years. Should be a lot easier than cars, but depends on buying new trains or upgrades for existing ones.
Wouldve been ideal if they fast forwarded it 15 years then and be in place for Saturday, wouldn't be last min trying to find a bus then...……. Pissing strikes.. tut
Yeah mate I replied didn't I? Still new to all this my bad, Unfortunately we'd arranged alternative plans before id seen your message, but I did appreciate it mate thanks..