She had her home destroyed. And likely the rest of her family. I don't think anyone is stupid, just unaware or disinterested.
Oh no don't get me wrong I managed to work out that part. It's just the injuries looked quite specific or odd so I thought something was causing those particular injuries.
Forests are burnt down so they can quickly get down to business planting other stuff. That's how wildlife gets burnt alive along with their homes. And so much for the CO2 gains in planting stuff as they first dump a larger load of CO2 into the atmosphere.
I would say fire, chemicals, malnutrition, and the general injuries/disease incurred trying the survive the circumstances of having your entire world destroyed around you. If that animal were a local dog, people would be outraged and rightly so. But we are speciesist as well as racist, where life has less value, the more distant it is from our own.