Been going on for years. Usually some right wing racist spouts their bile and the only thing people can comment about is how his opponent can't even eat a bacon sandwich properly.
Wearing a wire? You mean so someone can listen in to the super secretive debate which was being broadcast live on every news channel? Don't be so cretinous.
This insult likely derived from the medical condition called cretinism. This medical condition is a congenital disease due to absence or deficiency of normal thyroid secretion, characterized by physical deformity, dwarfism, and mental retardation thanks very much
I saw an article the other day about Bidens son Hunter being involved in drugs and people trafficking along with the accusation of having a fictitious job in the Ukrainian that Biden set up.... The article then claimed Biden had been captured on tape instructing some official to silence the chief prosecutor who was investigating money laundering and organised crime surrounding the continued to say that there were further tapes to be released and how strange it is that the mainstream media knew about it but weren't running the story because they want biden in power Dont know if anybody else saw it...I've just been searching for it on the site I used but Facebook have taken it down I believe
You're welcome. Most words for idiot stem from some sort of archaic medical classification. As with cretin, idiot, imbecile and moron were all used as categories of intellectual disability at the beginning of the last century. By using any of these words I'm obviously not literally comparing you to someone with a disability, but using it in the modern context of meaning something pretty stupid.
I am an idiot now, a technical term in legal and psychiatric contexts for some kinds of profound intellectual disability where the mental age is two years or less, and the person cannot guard themself against common physical dangers. The term was gradually replaced by the term profound mental retardation (which has itself since been replaced by other terms).[1] Along with terms like moron, imbecile, and cretin, it is archaic and offensive
If you're going to copy and paste from Wikipedia at least paste the full entry and don't chop off bits here and there to suit your agenda:
No, as that would imply that it was an honest mistake caused by incompetence rather than you purposefully misrepresenting an information source to try and support your own argument (which is pretty Trumpian behaviour)
sorry everyone for posting something that as been shared over 100,000 times on Facebook and twitter, guess there is more than just one cretin in the world,I meant no offence just wanted to join in,both Trump and Biden are not suitable to be President in my opinion and what with Boris being in charge in our country God help us all
That's the problem though isn't it - the failure to exercise any critical thought before reposting nonsense from social media. It's a big factor in the horrendous state of modern politics and why Trump, Putin etc can play the electorate like a fiddle. If only you had used a tenth of the energy you put into trying to show me up as offensive into thinking whether Biden wearing a wire made a jot of sense in the first place.
so I am not an idiot, make your mind up, I give in, just don't call people names to get your point across
I didn't call you a name at any point. I said your post was cretinous. There's a difference - I'm not saying you're stupid, but that the post was an instance of stupidity.
OK fair enough,we will never know will we, my Dad used to say never argue about Religion or Politics because you can never win,I am not that bothered about either Trump or Biden,just thought I would join in the thread
It highlights where we are politically at this time. That some individuals are being unknowingly influenced to perpetuate myths and recycle false rhetoric. Social media is a cheap ungovernable enabler of misinformation and can be harnessed swiftly to target any group, any issue or cause or any individual. All against a backdrop of media with common leanings that people are faced with a wall of continual noise that influences some peoples behaviour. Trump is commonly believed to have frontotemperal dementia. He calls his opponent mentally unfit. You hear little of Trumps condition, you hear lots about whether Biden is. Replicate that across wealth taxes, offspring, external influence and anything else you want to mention, and the media and individuals and organised groups on social media help enforce these mistruths, while protecting the true offender from the issues they are guilty of. It seems much more than a tribal red vs blue fight. It feels more like truth vs lies. Decency vs something that could lead to something much much darker.