I'm naturally sceptical about conspiracies Farnham. There's two many people, journalists primarily, who have something to gain by exposing them. I'm pretty sure if the FA had an agenda against us or us and a few other clubs the cat would be out of the bag at some point. Why would they single out us as a target? The only possible reason I can think of as to why they've got the narky on with us would date back to the Wigan points deduction where, by insisting on having our own lawyer present at the tribunal, we were basically saying we didn't trust them to do their job properly. But, in reality, I think no way. There's no agenda against us with penalties this season. Merely coincidence hand in hand with sheer incompetence.
We were having the same discussion. Williams. Thomas, Connell? Kitch would have put his foot through it. Fck knows where it would have ended up.
I wanted to post something on here about my feelings after yesterday, but I wanted time to reflect before I did that. The OP, Sheriff, created this thread about feelings, so I thought it appropriate to share my mood on here because I'm guessing that many will be feeling the same; along with the thousands who don't post on here. It's quite therapeutic being able to share feelings with people who understand how you're feeling.... My Dad and Grandad first took me to Oakwell when I was knee high to a grasshopper 62 years ago. They took a beer crate into the ground. I had to stand on the beer crate to see over the wall in the original Kop end. I mention this, not because of the beer crate, but because in those 62 years (again, along with thousands of others) I have invested much emotion into the trials and tribulations of our wonderful club. However, I have never felt like I did yesterday when that incompetent fool blew the final whistle. Like the OP, my worse fears were recognised and I predicted to my friends that it would be the worst day of my footballing life if they were to score in the last minute of extra time. And so it transpired; but in fact, it wasnt the worst day of my footballing life at all. It didnt even come close. My overriding feeling was one of unbelievably, immense magnificent pride. Many have mentioned it on here and I would echo it a zillion times. That young (with the exception of our "Old Stager", Nors - and what a game he had!!!!) group of lads wearing that red shirt put in a shift for which I can't actually find words worthy enough to do service to what they achieved. In the last 62 years we've seen success through great victories but never in that time have I seen the likes of what we saw yesterday. Its easy to feel pride when we win, but to feel it like we did yesterday takes it to a whole different level....and it's not just the players....the Club has been transformed from top to bottom. Indeed, yes, they have given us our club back, in spades; and to cap it all, our wonderful Manager then rounds things off with articulate controlled post match interviews in which he magnanimously praises the opposition and their manager. Sheer class. Our fans? Sheer class. Top to bottom, bottom to top. My feeling of pride in our footballing community is at a level I've not felt in those 62 years....and we lost!!! Sheffield who? For as long as there is a planet earth, they will never experience, nor have the ability to understand, just how much pride you can take in losing. Thanks Grandad. Thanks Dad. Had you been with us yesterday you would have been able yo say, "I'm so proud to be a Barnsley fan". Thanks MD, MD and MP, and thanks lads. COYR.
There’s no conspiracy against us. That’s just daft. But to me it’s pretty obvious why the big decisions go against us, and to see that you just have to rewind yesterdays game to the 49th minute and again, to 15 seconds into the game. 15 seconds into the game a Wednesday player let with an arm that connected with Andersen’s face. Andersen fell, holding his face, which is reasonable, as it probably hurt, but then he got up. And then we took the free kick. On 49 minutes Phillips made a mess of a tackle. The Wednesday player got there first. At no point did Phillips ‘jump’, as has been suggested, he didn’t go in with two feet, as has been suggested, neither of Phillips’ feet made contact with the Wednesday player and at no point did any part of Phillips come anywhere near the Wednesday player’s head. The Wednesday player held his head, rolled around a bit, banged his hand on the floor. The two footed lunge from Phillips nearly took his head off, and the studs scraping down his leg could have broken it. The Wednesday player was in agony. Hopefully the x-rays will show no fractures and his career won’t be ended. Another Wednesday player was next to the referee. He screamed in the ref’s face, standing up for his mate, who nearly lost his life, such was the ferocity of the assault. He had to make sure the ref saw what he saw. Then Wednesday’s Captain and three of his mates turned up. They needed to add their voices to the complaint, otherwise where does this end. They have families, dependants, mouths to feed. They can’t have their lives threatened by such a vicious assault, who doesn’t have any right to share the pitch with such gentlemen and respecters of the rules and regulations of the game. They told the ref that they had every confidence that he was going to do the right thing and remove the ruffian from the field of play before they had another Derek Dooley on their hands. Shrewsbury did the same, as have many teams. We do not do this. And I’m glad we don’t do this, cos it’s wrong. This is something the FA need to stamp out. It’s intimidation of the officials. At one point at home to Shrewsbury they had a few players in the ref’s face and a player in each of the linesmen’s faces. It is football, not cricket. They don’t have to appeal. But they do, usually whilst a teammate is rolling round like a dying swan, but often bravely getting back up without the need for the physio. It’s as if they don’t want to have to leave the pitch.
Just seen that in grassroots football they are going to make points deductions yet where do they think people are influenced to behave like they do yet there’s no sanctions for similar in the professional game. https://www.thefa.com/news/2023/may...for-serious-misconduct-in-grassroots-football The FA will introduce point deductions for teams across the grassroots game from the start of the 2023-24 season if their players or coaches commit repeated offences of serious misconduct. This landmark development has been approved by the Football Regulatory Authority and ratified by the FA Council, and it is part of our commitment to tackle and address incidents of unacceptable behaviour in the game. The tougher sanctions follow consistent feedback from across grassroots football that player behaviour is a significant issue, and will specifically target offending teams where its participants commit serious misconduct, making clear to clubs that this kind of behaviour will not be tolerated. Point deductions will apply to clubs at Step 7 and below of the men’s game, and clubs across Tier 3 and below in the women’s pyramid, which commit cumulative incidents of serious misconduct, such as acts of discrimination and assault or attempted assault, physical contact or attempted physical contact against a match official. Deductions will range from three to 12 points depending on the number of breaches within 12 months of the team’s first offence and severity of the case(s).
Unless one of you was walking up low lane to get the 0756 direct train to London yesterday there's another one of us in the vicinity. I can feel a supporters club branch starting
Word for word what you said. Was a surreal experience. I was thinking whatever you do don't concede at the end of extra time stoppage time and that's how it transpired. Should have had money on. Gallows humour. Excellent post .
I'm still gutted. And I think it'll take few days to move on. I'm gutted for the fans who were summat else. in comparison to 44k stunned into silence wendies. (Only to come alive at the sending off. A couple of occasions when the drums had to get em going and the goal/final whistle) I'm Gutted for the players and management who gave their all to the cause. One thing I'm sure of, is, and will not get over. Is that I felt so much pride in our club. our town. And our tarn spirit.
But mainly as I was sat on a boat just off the coast of Sorrento with my beautiful wife on honeymoon. Suddenly as I looked around it didn't feel so bad.[/QUOTE] 'But where did it all go so wrong?' (with apologies to George Best.)
10 days on and I'm still gutted, even though I'm old enough to know better lol. Because of the injustice of it all, the manner of the defeat and mainly because of who it was against. If Duff stays, we recruit well and hit the ground running in August that's when I'll finally get over it.