Lets not think the yanks are good guys either' or their lapdogs the UK' innocent civilians killed in the middle east in recent decades 500.000 and counting' and if anyone of these countries has the gaul to fight back stick a terrorist label on them and bomb them some more' you only have to look at their continued support for the Gaza genocide to see their complete disregard for human life' Blinken keeps saying they're working on a ceasefire whilst simultaniously providing Israel with the missiles' if they stop supplying them it stops within days' its time for them to put up or shut up' are they serious about a ceasefire or not.
You'd rather believe a certifiable idiot that spends 95% of interviews squinting in confusion than the BBC or Sky? I'm not saying they're infallible (they definitely aren't) but come on man.
Wasn't it Tucker Carlson who was sacked from Fox News immediately after his coverage of January 6 and various outbursts about voting machines which later led to Fox losing a very expensive defamation case against the manufacturers? (Dominion vs Fox - $780m awarded to Dominion as damages).
I could write an awful lot which are facts but I'll get banned. 0 conspiracys from me. I don't even watch the "news" or tucker to avoid being brainwashed by the conspiracy theories or the "its true because its on the news" folk.
Completely with you to be honest. Anyone that thinks BBC isn't propaganda is just as bad, at least let me see all sides of the propaganda if that is all there is. Western media is controlled by all the same groups so if you think you are getting independent journalism you are dead wrong. Epstein Island was a "conspiracy" until it wasn't. Not siding with Putin whatsoever by the way but if you think the warmongers and pedos are any better on our side you are mistaken
You mean the bloke who argued in Court that a reasonable person wouldn't interpret what he was saying as fact? https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/...y-believes-tucker-carlson-is-reporting-facts/
Facts. Or bad conspiracy opinions people state are facts to seem like they're in the loop and more intelligent than the sheeple?
Tucker that helped cost Fox almost a billion dollars for pushing the Dominion lie? The guy favours a wannabe dictator. Trumps plan is for him and his family to never leave, and his supporters are fully behind whatever he wants to do. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he’s posthumously revered as a religious figure - complete with random sightings and his face in a slice of toast
"Western media is controlled by all the same groups" So you are suggesting that The Socialist Worker, Private Eye, The Guardian, Suddeutsche Zeitung for example are controlled by the same people who control the serial liar Tucker Carlson and Trump's Maga publicists in the US?
There's just levels of lies and misdirection. The BBC are far from perfect and I'm not a big fan of their news output, but I'd still rather read and consider an article from them than Fox or Carlson. Your view is misguided in my opinion.