I love it that the club are trying to make this and other games a positive atmosphere, and what the players are serving up on the pitch lately in terms of results and performances massively contributes to that. Just one thing though, Hey Jude, come on we’re better than that (he says without offering an alternative ) how many clubs claim this as their signature tune? Perhaps the club and/ or ST should run a competition to try and get us an exclusive signature song, not necessarily tune but lyrics with local words like Tarn and Tha knows. I know we have Just like watching Brazil but it’s only ever sung when we’re winning. Oh, and let the fans inividually vote for their favourite not a panel or anything.
Taken 4 scarves out of hiding for if any miserable fekker near me int wearing one. As for Hey jude it was mentioned at the last fans meeting where all fans recieve an invite. (not forums) Personally I'd like nothing more than a Barnsley bands song to be played to whip the crowd up. Not fekkin Oasis or Beatles. Mancs and Scousers. Eg SAXON 'Wheels of steel' Would download it but can't somehow. Do still like Timerider but doesn't seem to have the appeal it once had.
I think timerider does have the appeal but timerider played for minutes before the players ever appear from the tunnel doesn't. For years the issue has been the timing not the tune and for some reason that's something the club have never seemed to understand or change
@YTBFC Well done on some of the replies here, you can't please everyone. If I'd won that USA mega lottery the first thing I would have done is bulldoze Oakwell and move us to Rotherham for 2 season whilst the new Oakwell is built. That's what's crippling the atmosphere, the way our stadium is built.
Just get behind me some of these players have never experienced it at Oakwell ( in fact all ) we go behind we cheer more let’s have as continuous Red Army between blocks or stands. RED ARMY
That's something that I think Oakwell is missing. The burger van at the bottom of the carpark is a bit dull and grotty looking and hidden away really. Would love to have a load of street sellers around the ground. Obviously not the clubs problem or anything but it would be nice to make matches just feel a bit more of an occasion as people arrive
Only thing with hey Jude is it isn't our song. It's Brentford s and other clubs if we have to use a song from another club I'd rather you'll never walk alone, at least we have all joined in and sung that at significant points in our history. Coccoon is ours, it gets people clapping. No other club uses it. Anyway, I'm looking forward to today's match , hope we have loads of goals to cheer!
Don't you think your old idea of filling in all the corners and copying east stand to the west would help the atmosphere? Makeit all enclosed
Good call - mindst only one member of the band had childhood connections with Barnsley and that was Quinny. Biff was a Huddersfield lad, Dobby and Graham were from Mexborough way and Pete Gill was a Sheffielder. That said the band did a heck of a lot of gigging in the Tarn and by then Biff was Tarn based too.
Aware of all that mate and thanks for posting the link. Wheels intro for me would be fit for purpose. Rather than Denim and leather. Shame Steve Dobson has had to pack in. Loved seeing ODS. And Brian Shaunessy (Seventh son) was/is the perfect frontman. Hope they try reform with a new bass guitarist.