This is very much where I am. I just want to believe winning football matches is the priority again. I don't feel like it has been for some time.
There are ways. Firstly via shareholders agreements that could and should have been agreed upon before buying their shares. Though I'm hardly surprised they didn't think to include anything like that considering they've admitted that they didnt even do due diligence as to who they were jumping into bed with and people announced to Barnsley fans as key directors 5 years ago didn't even know there was a large group of American investors owning a large percentage of the club until years into their ownership when an employee told them. Another way is via the media. It isn't unheard of for a large group of minority shareholders to speak out against the actions of a majority shareholder or against two minority shareholders who together own a majority. That speaking out has in the past put pressure on the majority to change their actions especially if it's a public facing company that relies on goodwill to exist. As Fonzie said, there was the option of changing the CEO, an option that wasn't taken which suggests they're happy with job performance and decisions made. They could have attempted to create division within Pacific Media or between Conway and Lee by telling them that he would be voted out of his role as leader of the New York group and they could join with them or be against them. Not easy but a possible avenue. There were options, I'm not saying they're all easy options but there were options. Definitely should have been a shareholders agreement preventing one shareholder from appointing themselves chairman and choosing their own wage then signing players they had an interest in. I think that it's almost negligent not to ensure there was any protection for themselves but as I said I think it'd absolutely bonkers that one half didn't know the other half existed until this summer but that isn't nearly as telling as the fact the New York lot DID know that the English lot existed and DID know what Conway was doing but stayed hidden away in New York never even bothering to say 'hi, I exist' to people sitting on the board of directors of the club whilst it burned to the ground.
These muppets you lambast are probably the same muppets who slated conway and chien . Its people like you that stuck up for the last board . These new people in charge are no different . They still make mistake after mistake. They still don't invest in the team, they still keep kahled on the books when it's quite clear the bloke as failed in most aspects of his job. Guaranteed, we have no money and there's a reason for that! Why don't they invest in the team?
I hope she is as direct and vocal to the clueless CEO currently employed. Or are we just meant forget and put up with the ineptitude and total disregard to the fan base since he's had 99.9% autonomy? JAQ, concentrate on your fellow board members and the running of the club, then you might get the fans onside. Many, many bridges still left to build. Get on with it.
So, as you've called my bluff, I better put forward my position as if I just kept things at "I think you're wrong" I could get away with owt. Under Lee/Conway I was in the same position as you. My posting history is available to all on this BBS. I thought they were poison pretty much from the start. I almost changed my name on here to "They're not billionaires" I typed it that often. I said years ago that the club had been turned in to a business that trades in players and the sole purpose of the games was to put our players in the shop window so we could sell our wares. I haven't been to a game since before Covid because I would no longer financially support an ownership that was taking money out of the club. I don't believe the current board are like Lee/Conway. I don't believe they had the power to prevent any decisions while they were minority shareholders and I believe what they're doing now is attempting to scramble out of the hole that Conway and Lee dug us in to. I believe they care about the club and the results the team achieve. I can't evidence that yet, but when I can I will go back to games. I believe in 18 months I won't need to evidence this to you, I think you'll already see it. I'm not claiming we're going to be winning loads of games, cups and promotions, but we'll be trying to win games, cups and promotions. I believe the match experience will improve and the feeling of belonging to the club will be much stronger.
I slated Conway and Chien. Heavily. Try checking back to what I posted before their removal. I know you're not keen on getting your facts straight like. I also strongly criticised El Ahmad. So you're wrong on both counts. The only failure since the removal of Conway was Hex. Not sure who is responsible for that but it was appalling judgement. I remember you voting on a thread that you weren't worried about that deal though. They won't invest in the team because they said from day one they wouldn't and the club is skint. If you'd like to point out to me the last owners we had that poured their own money into the club for transfers crack on.