Charity is very easy when you've got sod all else to do and you like throwing fancy parties. I'm not sure you can call it charity when you turn up wearing an outfit that cost ten grand. Nah, sorry. This is daft.
Wether you like her or not she's built a successful world wide fashion business , there are worse people than her got honours . I'd abolish the honours system altogether though , and royalty and lager
She has got the OBE. - because she's stopped singing! Simple as that.. "Here vic, thanks for not singing for ages.. here's an OBE, on the condition you never pick up a microphone again".
'Sir' Philip Green ? Also what about Barons Kinnock and Tebbit ? and, wait I'm on a roll, the Whitehall Sir Humphrey types who gain a Knighthood for just time serving?
May I apologise on behalf of reasonable men for this archaic, imbecilic comment. I trust you don't think all blokes are like that. I despair at times.
LOL at all the middle age blokes in this thread who have their fingers on the pulse of the fashion industry.