There’s a lot of ‘who aren’t these politicians all nasty and useless’ on here but i’m struggling to think of a time when there was a truer representation of the populous - at least in England! Divided, at each other’s throats, no one listening to anyone else, no regard for the rule of law, common sense out of the window. Yep, pretty representative.
Weve all lost. Regardless of your political standpoint. When you take a step back and realise whats happened its a scary prospect. The recent events suggest that if you object to the sitting pm/governments position/decisions and youve the financial clout you can challenge it through the courts. The precedent to challenge is now there. How long til the next one? Notwithstanding the costs accrued by both sides. For what. Three/four extra days of Parliament.
That’s not what happened and it’s 5 weeks of attempted proroguing. That the Supreme Court, all 11 judges, unanimously found the act unlawful should be heard. Johnson ordered an unlawful act. That he could be stopped and has been shown not to be above the law is a very good thing.
I agree dont agree we have lost due to this judgement - but we have all lost due to the behaviour of The PM and Cummings The courts have basically said that Parliament is supreme and that the Prime minister cant just shut down parliament without a good reason - personally I think that's an excellent judgement as the minority government were clearly shutting down parliament to attempt to override the majority view of MPs and avoid scrutiny. Not to mention the fact that Lies were told to the monarch to ask for her to suspend parliament. I am glad that this attempt to bypass our democratically elected parliement failed. It the Tories were not riding roughshod over our unwritten constitution there would be no need to involve the courts Also if they had a clear majority in Parliament this wouldn't happen either
Of course they will be back in Parliament why do you think Jezza's speech has been brought forwards to today
I find it ironic that democracy has won and Parliament has to vote. However, by being in the EU it undermines it's own sovereignty.
Isn’t that Also an issue with Scotland,Wales and NI? They have their own Parliament but decisions made in Westminster . Once diversity starts where does it stop?
I thought brexit was meant to about uk parliament and sovereignty surely this is a brilliant example of both...
On the contrary, it shows that Parliament is in charge not one person i.e. a dictator who overrides everything else to get their way.
The Prorogation judgement was about prorogation - it wasn't about a referendu nor was it about Welsh Assembly founded in 1997 following national referendum 50.3% in favour of having an Assembly 49.7% against !! Assembly has ruling party of 31 (Labour 29, Lib D 1, Independent 1) and opposition party of 29 (Cons 11- Plaid10- Brexit 4- UKIP 2- Ind.2) Each Welsh constituency has a Westminster MP and a Welsh Assembly AM - not the same person. Power devolved from Westminster to the Welsh Assembly in Health, Education, Economics, Transport, Environment, Agriculture, Local Government, Taxes (some)