Agreed, it's scandalous we're not allowed to fit 7/8k in 23k seater stadium in the open air. Absolute madness.
Agreed, fair play to them - hope they enjoy it. Although if anyone has a ticket that remains unused they should be flayed alive.
Massively upset and frustrated for everyone that hasn't managed to get a ticket - especially when a 7,800 crowd would be totally safe in a data not dates world. But I don't think it will be weird at all. I think it will be emotional for everyone there and the ovation before, during and after the game that the players will receive will be one of the most memorable moments in our history. I think it will really spur the team on in this game but also going in to the second leg. I think it gives us a tiny advantage over Swansea who will be coming in cold and going in cold to their home game.
This. I don't understand why such a high percentage have been so passive. Especially when UEFA deem it perfectly fine for two teams from England to travel abroad for a final.
Unless our fans boo them taking the knee! Then it'll ruin the entire night and probably ruin our chances.
I don't want it to happen in the slightest. From looking at the social media replies to the club though over the last year or so, especially on posts relating to taking the knee, or the social media boycott. Combined with the demographics of the town, I can't help but think it's inevitable. It's not long since one of our own players (Clarke Oduor) made a post about racism that he'd seen amongst Barnsley fans and how disgusted he was to represent those fans.
Unsuccessful too. Gutted. I have shelled out £6.99 for a programme though, to make up for the £25 I couldn't give to BFC.
Don't try to preempt a problem that's unlikely to happen. If you're going, enjoy yourself and if you hear any booing when players take the knee just report it.
Have you seen Big Val talking about the racism he's faced in his life? Talking about how important taking the knee is? Same with Dike. He's made multiple posts about the racism he's faced in his life and his support for the BLM movement and the general push for racial equality. How do you think those two people (along with the rest of the team and staff) will react if they hear their own fans booing an action in support for that goal? Do you think they'll think "oh it'll all be ok because those fans were reported"?
Upset about it. I know I shouldn’t feel like it but feel all bitter & twisted towards the club at the minute. I’m sure I’ll perk up by Monday but it’s a sickener.
I don’t understand how you can have capacity crowd indoor for the snooker but only 25% capacity at the well which is outdoor
It probably won't happen though! Cars are dangerous, I might die on my way home tonight but I'm not fretting about it. Chill.
Take it from me. Strong words will be had with anyone who might have the temerity to boo. I genuinely don't see it happening. Btw. Ps Gutted everyone who applied didn't get through the ballot. I genuinely thought there would be less apply than the total figure permitted. Given the responses I've picked up on. Wemberleee. Yooooooooo redddddddds
Probably good news for the BBS match day thread Helen. Wouldn't be the same without you. Make sure there's no snooker on and you've competed all your 'chores'.
Got my rejection this morning ! I'm surprised by how many (on here at least) have been unsuccessful. I was quietly confident when taking into account that there would be those that didn't want to go, those that couldn't and those that may have missed the deadline due to the short 24 hour window. I wasn't too bothered either way when I applied but had built my hopes up over the last few days. Have to find somewhere/someone with Sky now.