No way to be 100% sure, but you can't spend your days stressing about something you have zero control over.
A few of my favourite posters have missed out so we should have a ball. We could have a gangbang but for social distancing.
I’m hoping it was done by using a logarithmic formula based on numbers in an applying group group , loyalty points , how long you’ve been a season ticket holder and how many times you paid for iplayer games despite having a valid code
I know, it's cheering me up thank you everyone. Just annoying that my son wasn't bothered about football until after our last Wembley final and I missed going then. Would love to have shared this match with him now he's come round to my way of thinking!
I know ,I still have flash backs to the Millenium Stadium ticket debacle and seeing Paulines big table with piles of tickets on it , I’m sure things have moved on since then
Its not even 25% capacity - assuming that we were close to the planned 4500 and not too many singles caused spacing issues 4500/23000 = just under 20% - its around 25% if you decide you cant use the West Stand at all for some reason
Don’t be too down lads and lasses, heard from a bloke waking his dog telling the electricity box that if you were unsuccessful you’re Guaranteed one for when we make the final.
Yes but it hasn't happened. You appear convinced it's going to. And are now posting about it in places where it's not relevant. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm convinced it won't but I think it unlikely and if if starts it will be well policed by the majority there who won't stand for it. I can go so far as to say it genuinely didn't occur to me that it might happen, that there was a potential problem. It simply wasn't on my radar at all until a thread I read on here. You're building something up I don't believe will be a problem for an occasion we should all be celebrating.
There was something in the Supporters Trust report Also takes into accounts rules around stairwells and public areas so can only have a one flow which then creates this lower number that comes out at 4528 How safely you can get in 660 persons per minute How get out in an emergency Can’t sell end seats Have to have 2 seat gaps Row in front empty Row behind empty Because of red zone and toilet capacity taken into account not possible to sell seats in the west stand I dont quite follow the logic that you cant sell any seats but thats the reason given
Singles don't cause spacing issues. They fit in nicely to spare seats. Groups of 6 cause spacing issues. WORST ADVICE EVER.
Driving me insane this. Our group hasn't had a rejection yet (we're assuming we will be). I wasn't that bothered before, but can't wait to get into the ground now.
What's the red zone? Is it the concourse area? A whole stand is closed because the toilets are too small, ffs.............