Perhaps not but you are ranting away on here constantly with a bee in your bonnet about certain things, exaggerating people's viewpoints regularly and then professing to care about people's mental health problems. It isn't doing anyone any good apart from you letting off some steam.
Perhaps not is extremely tame don't you think? Very none committal. I just think when you are reading a thread and you ignore those posts it is then very unfair to selectively choose to reply the person biting back against the insults and frankly disgusting accusations blaming them. You read Donny's posts, you didn't think to criticise him for them. You read my reply and thought you'd have a go about me using the BBS as a punchbag. You have to be fair with these things. Many people have read him slagging my family off, none have criticised it yet several have had a go at me for my response to that.
Did Donny red abuse my family? Did he blame my sister for her child's mental health problems? I can quote all the posts where he has abused me and said that I was to blame for their problems and the times he's then said 'the parents' are if you'd like. He wasn't alone either. Abuse doesn't have to involve swear words Titus, you know exactly what he was doing and you've even said yourself that they were 'perhaps not' acceptable.
Look there's a lot of personal stuff on here but if you post a thread like this you'd be pretty daft to not expect it to blow up like it has. Calling people a c bomb was overstepping the mark IMO and its clear you are struggling so please seek support but consider others too.
No one is blaming the parents or you but you are blaming those who think lockdown is the best solution for now. There may be other stuff going off in your nephew's head. A child running on ahead falls over. One set of parents rush to pick them up start panicking if they're hurt. The other set stand back and let the child get up and carry on running. Which child is more likely to cry?
Again do you not think how someone looks after their kid impacts that child? If you’re the sort of parent that gets the tele to babysit your kids and don’t interact and have conversations with them then yes lockdown is catastrophic just as being with that parent without lockdown is catastrophic. That doesn’t mean that well parented kids cannot have absolutely genuine issues. But to ignore the biggest causal factor in the how a kid turns out is beyond idiocy.
How toxic has this thread become? This isn't a good look on far too many posters. Decency within debate is over I think. The lack of respect when people talk to each other (general assumptions, shame, c-bombs, extremely strong allegations) makes for depressing reading. There's obviously the outliers who communicate well, but maybe people just take five on this thread or just exit completely?
I'm not struggling that much to be honest. I just feel extremely sorry for those who are who as disgraceful as it is are being ignored and dismissed. But about the thread itself can I ask what, in your opinion, is actually wrong with asking why isn't more focus being given to the huge mental health burden this whole thing is having on children? Because that's all my original post was asking. Why has that been largely ignored but a report on health workers suffering was a big story on prime time news? I didn't post to say that the health workers issues are not important, I posted to ask why children's health doesn't seem to be. For what it's worth I have every sympathy with health workers. Its a horrible job at the best of times but must be absolutely awful at the minute. Not even just for having to witness more people dying, but also the constant worry about whether they're going to catch it themselves too.
Agreed. I'll leave it alone. Extremely disappointed that it seems you're the only poster who's noticed anything even slightly wrong other than my language though. Apparently it's just me. Oh well.
to be clear no one did any of the things you are again taking quite general comments and personalising them. Parents have a massive impact on how their child turns out. It can work many ways my dad typical Barnsley dad used to give me a good hiding for not very much my reaction to that is being a soft arse with mine. Would I be the same without that background maybe maybe not be the influence is there. Life isn’t black or white or binary it’s many shades of grey. We all influence and impact everyone but any study into children will tell you the biggest influence us family. That’s not an accusation or finger pointing it’s just a fact.
Sadly, it’s the way of the modern world, why would we be immune? There was a time, & I’m old enough to remember, when public expression required a modicum of art, experience & opportunity. Now it’s open season & as ever truth & consequence are the first victims. Light the fuse & stand well back..
Without wishing to further create an argument I just want to show what the government is showing school children on tiktok. This is essentially an advert which plays to them.
It is yes. Teenage school children. I've just realised that when I talked about children I think you thought I was talking about much younger children. I meant basically Children of different ages.
And they should therefore be able to heed the message Dont go and hang about with your mates, stay at home and keep your distance. They really won't think they're killing someone by stepping outside, they're savvier than that.