Or indeed - suitable candidates of whatever age. Trump v Biden makes BoJo v Corbyn look like a reasonable selection. I’m hoping that post Trump and Brexit there’s a realignment takes place where people realise politics shouldn’t be left to narcissists.
It's actually not restrictions on place of birth, the wording is "natural-born-citizen". As with basically everything in US law, it's contested what that actually means. It's widely agreed however that someone born outside the US to American parents, for example, would be fine, or even just born to a single American parent and a foreign national living outside of the country.
That's the liberal attitude that works against things so Trump, Brexit, Torys etc win. It doesn't reflect badly on people at all for having a difference of opinion and the world would be a worse place if people had freedom of speech taken from them. I watch plenty of CNN on a night with Wolf Blitzer and then Erin Burnett. They have others as part of the shows like Sanjay Gupta, Jonathan Reiner and Kaitlan Collins who's really in no position to judge as a few years ago old racist tweets from before she got famous resurfaced which lived up to the stereotype of where she's from (Alabama). The channel (can't talk for Fox as Sky dropped it a few years ago) isn't impartial at all. It's 24/7 Trump bashing and hides all the bad stories of Biden like not knowing the name of the president or the behaviour of his son. I could post more CNN videos but they are all about the same guy instead of as investigative journalists telling the whole story of both sides. Political biased like this is what winds up the silent voters on the big decisions, which end with a bad result (as we all know for ourselves).
nope. Voting for a misogynist racist, xenophobia with links to the Klu Klux Klan makes you at best a complete fool and at worst a racist xenophobia yourself. The rest is for idiots who lap up the fake news narrative.
I'm sorry but that's way too an extreme opinion and pretty insulting to the 60 million who will vote Republican, who aren't complete fools and aren't racist or misogynist (some will be, granted). Who do you vote for if you don't want to suffer more months of lockdown, genuinely believe there's an immigration problem, don't support the elimination of fracking because you're one of the 1 million plus people employed in that sector and don't want to lose your job, work in hospitality and don't want an enforced minimum wage, and believe in the American Dream and that the Republicans are better for business? I don't know who I'd vote for over there because I don't live there, so don't get to see life change between the two parties, but I wouldn't insult anyone on either side like that.
Not much of response to what I said, but probably the weakest of the things I listed. Republicans are known for being in favour of business, in favour of the US, keeping work within the country, etc. Not exclusively obviously. But that to a lot of people is supporting the American Dream. Obviously there's different versions of that and they'll be one for the other side. There was a stat the other day that 55% of Americans claim to be better of financially under Trump. That was more than any President in the last 40 years. You can argue that isn't a good thing or is skewed in his favour somehow, but I'm just offering a different view because it isn't as extreme as people keep suggesting.
See that's the liberal view that keeps costing results in big votes. America doesn't have tens of millions like you've described just because they voted for someone you don't like. If it wasn't for Covid then Trump would have walked this election with a landslide because the main thing that matters is having a job to pay for things and he was excellent at that by getting unemployment down really low and especially in minority groups of black and hispanic people. He's portrayed as a racist who doesn't like Jewish people and yet his son in law is Jewish and has a powerful job because of it.
That just stood out to me as I had always understood the American dream to be about equality of opportunity etc which doesn't align with the Republican party or Trump personally. I appreciate that people will have personal concerns which lean towards Republicans, but I could never bring myself to vote for someone as reprehensible as him.
nope. He’s portrayed as a racist because well he is a racist. Familiar and personal links to the KKK. Teb whole Obama was born in Kenya malarkey. The some of my best friends are argument is absolutely meaningless. In terms of his impact on the economy initial wins were from initiatives brought in by Obama who used Keynesian economics to Pump Prime the economy after 2008. It takes generally speaking 2/3 years for the impact of policies to hit the economy so with Covid hitting this year it is difficult to fairly assess whether any policy changes brought by The Trump admin have had either a positive or negative impact. At no point have polls indicated that Trump would win by a landslide In fact most have consistently shown him to be one of the least popular presidents in history. The one thing that could perhaps have saved Trump was the utter uselessness of the Democrats and a poor challenger but they will win this time despite this. The rest is just fake news rhetoric from someone . And no offence meant who swallows all the actual fake news and regurgitates it constantly.
The decline in unemployment was a trend before his presidency, so I'm not sure how much credit he gets there. And he can't be anti semitic because his daughter married a jew? Really?
i wouldn’t vote for a racist xenophobic misogynist because I have a moral compass. If you do whatever other reasons you have you endorse racism and misogyny There are many Republicans you can see yourself voting for McCann et al just as there are tories it would be easy to vote for but Trump is like Johnson completely unconscionable
I hate them both. Neoliberalism vs fascism, both ideologies I detest. It’s right wing vs far-right. It makes me cringe when Republicans refer to Biden as far-left, when his policies are very much to the right of centre. People keep getting liberal social views mixed up with left wing politics. Trying to think of an analogy for the modern Democratic Party, and this is the best I can come up with: Pretend there are 10 old white men caught eating babies. The problem in the eyes of Democrats: There is no woman of colour in the group of 10. The actual problem: People are eating babies. The Democratic ideology is neoliberal free market capitalism, where the rich get richer and the 99% of each generation is poorer than the last. They just dress it up in liberal identity politics to pretend there is actually a difference between themselves and the Republicans. I’m sure kids in the Middle East will feel better about being hit by a drone strike as long as it comes wrapped in a Pride flag. I would say the system is broken, but it’s working exactly as intended. As a side note, I do have very liberal social views - I just hate them being used to disguise terrible politics elsewhere.
So if Biden gets in and in 2/3 years America is in a wonderful position that will be down to Trump and he will deserve the credit? He's come out with some awful comments but he's the best of the two for the economy and that will be number one priority to a lot of people. He's done plenty of good during his first term. We shouldn't forget he's got rid of two of the most evil men in the world or visited North Korea which through chat is the best way to get through to them or at least try. This is what journalism should be about where you give both sides good and bad and leave it to your viewers/listeners or in this case readers to make up their own mind, without pushing your own agenda to try and force your opinion on others....... https://www.businessinsider.com/tru...-failures-heading-into-2020-2019-12?r=US&IR=T
His trade war with China was particularly bad for many of his base - up to September 2019 it was estimated to have cost 0.3% of GDP and 300,000 jobs. Lying about who pays the tariffs was a nice touch too.
Watched this youtube clip of him smelling children's hair, very weird indeed, surely the Democrats have better options than him, bit late now though If their would have been an increase in unemoyment I'm sure it would have all been down to him, and rightly so. the door swings both ways
I’m telling you factually that economic changes made do not impact an economy 5 minutes after you make them but a minimum 2/3 years afterwards. Covid is going to skew whatever economic legacy Trump will make so its going to be very hard to say. Biden will inherited a flat economy (which isn’t Trumps fault) and you would expect recovery from that position whoever is in charge. The daft trade war with China cost 300000 jobs and hit the poorest the hardest. So not sure you are right on the economics. Though the reality is they are very similar on economics. As for the rest as a fine purveyor of fake news I’m not sure you are in a position to critically evaluate news output.