You’re a funny lad, most people would have stayed away from the crazy side of the web the first time they had their arse handed to em. but you persevere
Is that how it works - regardless of the results if you baggsy them on twitter they're yours? Also does it matter that he didn't put "IDST" at the end - can Biden now re-baggsy them IDST no backsies?
You will get all the answers my liberal chums when you are given a full-on 'Scooby-Doo' style ending. Picture the scene if you will..... Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are stood there heads bowed, looking rueful in their handcuffs. " We would have got away with it if it wasn't for that pesky Amy Coney Barrett!" moans Joe Biden as Donald Trump reaches over and pulls off their masks revealing that they were both lizard people all along! (I put that last bit in about lizards specially for Marc)
Wasn’t me - I was too busy laughing my arse off that someone could be so daft. in other news - if you put a quote from the magna carta in your shop window the police can’t force you to close. it’s true - I saw it on Twitter.
Mr casual tyke where you stand on flying saucers, UFOs and little green men? Not that I’m interested like but my mate from the Zargg Nebula was wondering….
I mean.... come on! How could you not love that face?! Do you think that cheeky little smile might mean he knows something y'all don't?
I'm still laughing at Trump "legally claiming" states on twitter. It's all a bit Magna Carta/Freemen on the Land.
Touché Donny! See... you're getting into the spirit of it now. And here was me thinking you didn't have a sense of humour!