Still got Pakistan (212m), Nigeria (195m), Bangladesh (165m) and most of the rest of Africa and the Americas. Even the likes of Vietnam are approaching 100 million people - although I've no doubt that Vietnam would be very efficient.
I'm sure Anti-vaxxers come from all sides of the political spectrum. I have a friend who is a adherent remainer, and flat out says he wont have vaccine. He also says he would ever give blood or donate organs, or recieve any. Though I'm very sceptical on the last bit
I wonder how many of the staunch anti vaxxers will actually have it but tell people they haven,t in order to save face..
My nanna had her first jab yesterday - at Adwick leisure centre. The trouble with using the pharmacies is limited space. As well as administering the jab, they have to stay and be monitored for 15 minutes afterwards to check for an allergic reaction. This also means they’d need medics present able to deal with a reaction if it happens too.
We would get closer to herd immunity of a 5th of those offered one didn't turn it down when the reason they have been offered one is that they are vulnerable.
My wife just checked up on her Dad who had his first Covid jab over in Donny earlier. He was given the Pfizer vaccine. Apparently on being told the maker, quite a number of old folk at the vaccination centre declined the jab on the grounds that it was " foreign".!
True story about elderly wanting the Oxford vaccine...
Vaccines to be ramped up to 24/7 after another u-turn.
Makes sense to get people vaccinated quicker and give people more options to when they can get the jab. It's also a good sign that supply is big because they wouldn't bother with 24/7 if we had a shortage of supplies. Plus we have vaccinated more than the rest of Europe combined.......
I like how this picture ignores that England has had more vaccinations than Scotland, Wales or NI, gives Ireland two colours (is the west coast a separate country suddenly), ignores Israel completely and has 4% as green. All of them should be versions of red. The Danish figure hasn't increased for nearly a week now. I suspect that will jump up in the next few days. All the Tory MPs were tweeting this yesterday. Suddenly we are allowed to make international comparisons again. Silly sod shouldn't have gave away the prices. It shows why the Oxford one will be very popular as you can get a few doses for the price of the next cheapest.