More positivity. They wouldn't be spending so much time and money making a vaccine in big numbers if they weren't confident. When Oxford said they wee 80% sure they probably mean at least 90% as they have to play it down incase it doesn't work, like Prof Whitty still saying 18 months.
Just a word of caution - we don't actually have a vaccine for SARS yet. It's not inevitable a vaccine will be found to our timetable.
It's a big boast to say they have found a cure........ Also one company is making a tablet vaccine...... If that comes off it will be the best of the lot by saving NHS staff a lot of time when people only have to be given a tablet to swallow rather than have a needle in the arm.
a vaccine may be 100% effective but it doesn't follow that it's safe - may stop you getting the virus but could cause nasty health problems.
Yes let's hope for the best. Trump on this occasion has the right idea. The army should be much more involved at this time and so getting them to help administer jabs would speed things up and allow everyday NHS staff concentrate on more important things.
"Donald Trump vows to deliver coronavirus vaccine by year-end" What an idiotic and ******* stupid comment to make.
Adrian Hill has done another positive CNN interview like he did last Friday..... I hope our own government have thought through the amount of equipment they will need to vaccinate everyone....
apologies for repeating self here easy question -- 'Is vaccine effective?' the difficult one -- 'Is vaccine safe?' I will give that a watch on Tuesday.