Not sure. Bilic was starting to make progress. Allardyce really comes across as not really giving a toss what his team does as he is safe in the knowledge ghe will get another go elsewhere.
I'd love for that to be the case Helen, but I think his position would be untenable, he's demonstrated where his commitment is,,,,,,and it's not Oakwell, To be fair to the man, it might not be WBA either, it could be commitment to £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££
If it were to fall through, I'd expect Ismael to give his all while he was here and I doubt he'd do anything different to be honest. The moment I saw his interview after Swansea I thought it was pretty obvious he'd move on and such is life. But he is a winner. I may not appreciate his style of play, but I can't see him not doing everything he could to win and serve whoever his employers were at the time.
The club allowed him to speak to WBA , they could have refused but didn’t and demonstrated that money talks both sides of the fence .
******** to him. At the end of the day he's deserted the club. I dont care if he's the messiah or offspring of Jeanette Krankie. He's buggered off and we now need to reorganise. I thank him for his efforts but I hope he completely fails in future. As to the football he encouraged at Grove Street it was often turgid, boring and unentertaining. ******** to him.
Like a lot of Barnsley managers who move on I think he's making a mistake but I wish the guy all the best. What didn't happen this season was fans and manager didn't connect cos fans weren't there - Wonder if VI had experienced the fans backing/appreciation/affection here in Barnsley it may have made him less keen to leave?
No, don't agree. When will people realise that being a football manager or player or coach is a job. It's not a calling. It's not a vocation and it's certainly not a charity. Not one person here would turn their noses up at being offered 2 or 3 times their current salary; not one. And as for the traitor calls, well that truly is bowlecks.
I don't care. He HAS deserted the club. Period. If he wants more money fair enough for him but not me. Same as Wilson when he went to Wednesday. He also deserted the club. I am no doubt naive but I do think I have called his desertion for what it is.
Have got bored with this. It's a great move for him. He did a great job & we have the agreed compo paid. Let's move on. That's what we do at Barnsley FC. Been watching since 1974. We are a long way on from Jim Iley.
I did not give a flying **** what style we adopt. All I care about is Barnsley doing well. Don’t give a monkeys about the circumstances. For the record I’d say it was more 50/50.
Brentford away, genuinely loads of the away games in the winning run, Bristol City away was excellent.
I’m part of the don’t really care brigade but it would have worn very thin if it had been the same again with fans not in and us losing most weeks. I was being generous in the 75% but people have differing standards.
Thing is though, it doesn’t matter what kind of football we play, it would wear very thin regardless if we were losing most weeks.
I've seen us play worse football than val served up and lose week in week out infact in watching barnsley since 1997 I've seen us play good football throughout the season probley 3 times. It was just enjoyable to watch us turn teams over who some had spent over 100 million to assemble a team and let's not forget we were 4th bottom before he took over and we finished 5th from top.